All jury’s have their differences, although they are not all the same. There are many opinions that float among a jury room. The votes and opinions vary with juror 8 and juror 3 as all of the jurors discuss the trial of the Hispanic boy accused of 1st degree murder of his own father. Votes, reasons, attitude, and biased feelings make up this particular jury. The protagonist in the jury room, juror 8, and the antagonist in the jury room, juror 3, both back up their opinion as to whether or not the Hispanic boy is guilty or innocent. The jurors reasoning behind their opinions are based on facts and details from the trial and are very logical and believable. Juror 8 and juror 3 both try to persuade the other jurors with their reasoning and they both believe strongly of their opinion. The protagonist and the antagonist have many more differences than they do similarities; this brings the dictation to last for many tense and hostile hours. …show more content…
A juror’s opinion, or vote, is very important in a jury.
All of the jurors except for the protagonist vote the Hispanic boy guilty. The jury cannot be a hung jury; it must be either all guilty or all innocent. Juror 8 believes that the rest of the jury is too positive and quick to vote and has a doubt in his mind that the boy could be innocent. Juror 3 on the other hand has determined that the Hispanic boy is guilty and will not allow any juror to change his decision. Juror 3 does not listen to any loop holes or possibilities of the Hispanic boy being innocent and is very straight forward with facts and believes everything being said in the
trial. The attitude of a person reflects their true colors. All of the jurors have different attitudes, this makes them unique. Majority of the jury could care less about the case in hand. The jury is ready to leave and get out of the hot jury room and is too worried about other plans rather than a boy’s life. Juror 8 is calm and he tries to convince his piers through pure facts and says what he has to say through only conversation. Juror 8 does not raise his voice and does not get in any other jurors face. He respects the fellow jurors and their opinions and listens to what they have to say. Juror 3 is the opposite, he raises his voice multiple times, accuses jurors of things they did not do, and abuses juror’s personal space. Juror 3 does not want to hear anything that the other jurors have to say. Attitude shows a persons character, although there is more to offer. Biased feelings and racism are two things that get in the way of this jury. Juror 8 is not racist or biased towards anything or anyone. He believes that everyone should get a fair chance, although juror 3 is very biased. Juror 3 allows his personal life to conflict in opinion with the case which causes him to be biased. The antagonist has a son who he has not spoken to since his son was 18. He thinks that all sons are the same and will betray their fathers. Juror 3 is quick to judge the Hispanic boy without looking closely into the case. The antagonist realizes at the end of the trial that he is being biased and letting his personal life decide his opinion. He then changes his vote to innocent. The two jurors, juror 8 and juror 3, have their differences but in reality they are both still human beings. In the end racism, personal life, and biased feelings all amount to nothing. The protagonist and antagonist set aside their dispute and agree for innocence.