Just in time is a contradiction to customary mass production by Henry Ford. Just in time is also a contradiction to just in case which makes goods for inventory with the objective of having goods just incase a customer place an instant order. Just in case is a antecedent, it is the western worlds traditional perspective to manage supply chains. It is fair to disagree with Hannon (2003 cited in Dinsdale and Bennett, 2015) who suggest that because of the pace of vehicle manufacturers a constant use of Just in time supply is required to keep production going and agree with Gonzales-Benito ( cited in Dinsdale and Bennett, 2015) is based on many factors and depends on the situation. Yong et al. (2012) suggest that just in time philosophy is a time to time competitive advantage. Schonberger et al. (1982 cited in Daniel et al 2009 suggest that Just in time enhances quality. Morgan et al.(2005) suggest some of just in times important practices as lot size reducing, final lay outs to encourage smooth flow, Kaban based production system . Just in time has some approaches or tools which will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs with critical …show more content…
It is fair to agree with kootanae et al. (2013) who suggest that though pull systems keep steady master production schedule and manufacture the right part in the right place at the right time they cant work in all business types and turn to decrease inventory held as it does not keep any work in progress. Daniel et al.(2009) suggest that nowadays they are more agreements between quality and cost than back in the 80’s thus high quality and inventory go hand in hand and a decrease in inventory causes problems to quality; if a company believes in concession between quality, cost and delivery they may have to adhere to reduce their focus on Just in time to make sure is that there high quality supply of parts to stay away from inventory stock