William D. Towah
Walden University
Justice and Social Equity
The Concept of Justice and Social Equity In order to bring about balance system of government, where all citizens will enjoy equal rights and opportunities, society must aspire to ensure that the civil and human rights of all individuals be protected and preserved regardless of cultural, social and demographic orientation of persons (Justice as a Virtue). In this light, the role of individual citizens, law makers, as well as, public administrators have been underscored aimed at providing a redress to injustices and inequalities that exist and may arise in social relationships of persons (Frederickson, 2005). The concept of justice and social equity are both ethical theories aimed at bridging the gap of inequalities in the just society (nancy-carre.blogspot.com/ -International Paradigms, February 24, 2012).
The Concept of Justice is one principle which suggests that people should care about each other and because of this benevolence, should not behave toward others in a manner as to cause them harm. In the same light, social equity is an ethical theory that seeks to achieve equitable outcomes for all people. This concept believes that members of a society must have the same basic rights, opportunities, security, social benefits and as such, legislations that will promote the social functioning of the individual and protecting the human rights of people be enacted. It addresses the issue of fairness in our social construct by achieving a fair outcome for all people. In protecting the fundamental rights of citizens, social equity is embodied with set of standards which serves as a benchmark for all persons or groups in their personal and social relationship with others (nancy-carre.blogspot.com/ -International Paradigms, February 24, 2012).
In government, social equity promotes the just and fair distribution and equitable management of state resources and
References: Frederickson, G. (2005). The state of social equity in American public administration. National Civic Review, 94(4), 3138 Retrieved from: (http://nancy-carre.blogspot.com/ -International Paradigms Friday, February 24, 2012) Working out of Poverty, Report of the ILO Director-General, (2003). Retrieved from: http://www.ilo.org/public/english/standards/relm/ilc/ilc91/pdf/rep-i-a.pdf)