In Powerful Ideas, An Introduction to Philosophy, aesthetics means "coming from the senses" which is a derivitive of the Greek word, aisthetikos (241). David Hume's believed that emotions are significant in both aesthetics and ethics. In addition, he stated that aesthetics involves both contemplation and judgment. He strongly believes that not everyone is suitable or qualify to judge art.…
David Hume's changed the idea of skepticism in a very different way. While Descartes used doubt and skepticism as a way to find out the foundations and roots of knowledge,Hume used sleo contrast with what we saw as the ordinary claims of knowledge. Hume explains two types of skepticism: antecedent and consequent. Both of these come in a very moderate and extreme form. He explains antecedent skepticism by using the Descartes theory of universal doubt. He explains that there is no principle that is more self evident than doubt and even if there was we would not be able to advance ahead of it because we our still able to doubt and reason deductively. This would mean Antecedent skepticism is incurable.…
Hume’s version of empiricism begins with his distinction between analytic propositions “relationship of ideas,” which he considers to be a priori and true by definition, and synthetic propositions, which he considers to be a posteriori (“matters of fact”), and which are opposite of analytic propositions because they’re derived from our senses.…
“The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals, Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness” (11). That quote is from “Utilitarianism” written by John Stuart Mill. Mill is noted in history as a man who pushed for radical change of social and legal principles using Utilitarianism as his guide. That quote sums up his belief in that theory. In this essay I will be discussing Mill, the theory of Utilitarianism and how that theory relates to contemporary ethical issues.…
Aurelius is a stoic that believes that individuals of a polis should live according to nature, and that nature is moral and rational. Though stoics believe that there are no social bonds on society, they do believe that other norms of the polis orient individuals behavior towards nature. Marcus Aurelius, an advocate for stoicism, believed that man should fulfill his duty in life and live according to nature. He believes that actions should follow the right of reason. The right of reason, according to Aurelius, refers to the idea that “following God in an orderly fashion, never uttering a word that is contrary to the truth nor performing an action that is contrary to justice” (Aurelius, 22). This quote shows the importance of justice in politics and society in Ancient Rome. The interpretation of justice is the same regardless of philosophy and ideology. Justice relies on the individual to make the correct choice in any given situation. Alongside justice, Aurelius believes that order is made up by people who are “following right reason and with dedication, steadfastness, and good humous… and if your present action is in accordance with nature, and if all that you say and utter accords with the truthfulness of an earlier and purer age, you will live a happy place” (Aurelius, 23). Though Aurelius believes that there are no social connections amongst people in the polis, an inherent collective meaning can be distinguished if everyone follows the same beliefs of natural, rational law. Aurelius believes that the best community is a community where everyone fulfills their own function, thus creating a society where individuals positively impact the…
Back in Hume’s time, there were mainly three schools of thought regarding the nature of morality. This debate was initiated by Thomas Hobbes’ view that moral obligations and duties came from self-regarding motives. In response to Thomas Hobbes’ argument, there are two schools of thought, namely rationalism and sentimentalism. Rationalists such as Samuel Clarke argued that morality could be explained by pure reason , and acting morally is just the same as acting rationally. Hume is on the side of the sentimentalists, as he rejects reason as the basis of morality . Hume argues, rather, that it is our moral sentiments that serve as the basis of moral approvals and disapprovals . In Hume’s picture, each action produces certain feelings in the recipients, be it pain or pleasure, and it is through sympathizing with the recipients which we have an impression of the resulting pain or pleasure in the recipients, and thus approve of or disapprove of the active person’s character trait which led to the action.…
One of the most recognized critiques of Aquinas is David Hume, who addressed the argument from design in his work Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion. Hume began by summarizing Aquinas' logic, and the many alterations that followed. Essentially, Hume argued that attributing design in the natural universe to an intelligent creator is flawed in two ways. First, he uses to analogy of a house to discredit Aquinas' inferences.…
Humanity’s attempts to study the state of society have stretched back throughout the ages. From forefathers such as Socrates or Aristophanes to the great enlightenment philosophers of Locke or Voltaire, all have grappled with the questions of how humanity best functions as a collective. John Stuart Mill, hailed as a paradigmatic liberal political philosopher, continues this tradition of thought in his work On Liberty published in 1859. Mill’s major argument made is that the individual is sovereign in their actions insofar as they do not impeach upon the rights of others. His justifications centre strongly on the principles of utilitarianism, providing a model he believes to offer the greatest happiness to the greatest number. Through specific analysis it can be seen that he optimizes societal benefit by placing import on individuality but conversely justifying exactly when governance and restraint need to be exercised. Overall, his conclusions are an attempt to unify two competing social factors, individual liberty against circumstances in which power can be exerted over another, articulated in what has become known as the ‘harm principle’.…
Justice is a concept that has changed and developed throughout history. The foundation of the modern justice system in the western world began in Athens just over two thousand years ago. Many philosophers had their own conceptions about what justice truly is, however, Plato proved to be the most influential. Before Plato, many men shared Polemarchus’ belief that justice meant giving good to friends and evil to enemies. In his book, The Republic, Plato sets out to define the true definition of justice. Plato states that justice is when men to put aside irrational desires for the greater good of society. If civilization were to follow Polemarchus’ view of justice, society would become anarchy. People would punish those that have wronged them…
The scottish philosopher David Hume says that there is a great uniformity among the actions of men in all nation and ages, and that human nature remains the same. Humes expresses that all men regardless of the time being all have ambition, self love, vanity, friendship, generosity, and public spirit. Whether it be from the times of the ancient greeks to the present the moral ethics of man never changes. I agree with David Hume because I do believe that things have remained unchanged because it is basic human nature. If you take a look back in time you would see that the basic human moral ethics never really change. People generally have the same motives when it comes to things like having ambition, self love, friendship, and generosity. If…
This paper will present and explain David Hume’s attack on the traditional understanding of causal power. In order to do this I will use one of his most important claims…
When you look at torture and the idea of torture you also have to look at what both a just and unjust act is. Both Aristotle and Mill discuss justice and injustice along with just and unjust acts. So in order to determine if it is ever permissible to torture another person according to Mill and Aristotle, you have to first look at both of their definitions of justice and if the act is just or unjust.…
His contributions to religion have had a lasting impact and contemporary significance. Taken individually, Hume gives novel insights into many aspects of revealed and natural theology. When taken together, however, they provide his attempt at a systematic undermining of the justifications for religion. Religious belief is often defended through revealed theology, natural theology, or pragmatic advantage. However, through Hume’s various philosophical writings, he works to critique each of these avenues of religious justification.…
They both see dualism in a different way. Descartes think that the body and the mind are two different things .He also thinks that it is very possible for one to exist without the other one. For Seale, it is completely the opposite. He said that the mind and body are the same thing.…
According to John Stuart Mill, little progress has been made toward developing a set of standards by which to judge moral right and wrong. He argues that in order to know what morality dictates, it is necessary to know by what standard human actions should be judged. Because our moral beliefs have undergone very few alterations over the course of history (we still have some of the same morals as the ancient Greeks) it seems as though there exist some standards that serve as a foundation of morality. Mill argues that this standard is the “greatest happiness principle.”…