I will also focus on the topic that I feel is very important when discussing this issues which is a thorough look into why children that have parents with criminal issues are at a high risk of becoming criminals themselves. Their are of course many other topics that apply to this issue that I will discuss and this will all eventually lead to solutions that are being applied to this problem and also strategies and solutions that I will devise on my own. But first let’s look at juvenile delinquency on its own as the main issue that faces our criminal justice system.…
Juvenile crimes are the various offenses that children under the age of eight-teen commit. The acts involved in these crimes are called juvenile delinquency. The issue of juvenile delinquency has been a rising issue in the American society for decades. As we take a look into the factors behind this problem we will also look into what changes have been made to the juvenile justice system to combat this. Factors behind juvenile delinquency is said to be mental illness and substance abuse which are the main contributors. It is said to be that roughly thirty to ninety percent of detained and incarcerated juveniles have been found to have some sort of mental illness. In the past, there were times when these…
The juvenile justice system should adopt a permanent focus on rehabilitation to ensure the future success of our nation’s young people. Juvenile criminal and delinquent behaviors do not emerge randomly. We have learned over the past few decades that a number of factors, (individual, family, peer, and community) affect whether a child will engage in delinquent or criminal activity. Research has clearly shown that the more risk factors experienced by youth, the greater their likelihood of involvement in criminal activity. Conversely, protective factors such as developing close relationships with parents and teachers can offset the negative effects of risk factors. [ (U.S. Department of Justice Programs Office of Justice Programs, 1999) ]…
Juvenile delinquency along with the punishments associated with it seems to be one of the touchier subjects in today’s society. When it comes to juveniles, there are a number of different things that lead them to commit crimes. Things like the level of crime in their community, the bond they have with their parents, and even their economic status all lead juveniles to crime. In order for communities to even start to deter crime among juveniles, they need to start implementing a number of sources. One strategy will not just wipe out juvenile crime, you need a combination of many things to keep children away from crime.…
There are several reasons why juveniles commit crimes and act up. Some of these can be explained by theories or in other words educated guesses. Although theories are only educated guesses they can be used to decide why juvenile delinquents come through the court systems. Theories can be helpful in determining why children or teenagers become a criminal. It also helps to determine what can help deter crimes by juveniles. In this essay theories will be explained that could fit some of the children in the following case studies.…
First and foremost, from a historical view juveniles delinquency and its process are recently developed, even the idea of childhood and adolescence. Juvenile delinquency is an offense done by youths. In U.S. jurisdiction youths are considered between the age of 7 and 18 while delinquent statutes provide a specific age. Some others refer to the age of other statute. Historically youths haven’t enjoyed their Statuses as childhoods and adolescence as we understands them nowadays where during childhood the needs nurturing and guidance for their development process.…
Undoubtedly, juvenile delinquency is very representative since the last century. Juvenile delinquency is one of the criminological problems that is growing every day, not only in our country but also worldwide, is one of the socially negative actions that will otherwise fixed by law and morality created and accepted by society. Juvenile crime has increased dramatically in recent times, becoming an issue of growing social most concern, both for its quantitative increase, for their progressive qualitative hazard. Juvenile crime is also a feature of societies that have reached a certain level of prosperity. The phenomenon of violence is very…
Juvenile delinquency has become a very predominant occurrence in today’s society. In 2010, there were 6,531 arrest for every 100,000 youths age 10 to 17(Knoll, C, 2010). While it may be that youth are being processed through the criminal justice system more today than ever, rather than actually committing more forms of crime and delinquency (Puzzanchera, Adams, & Sickmund, 2010). Youth are however experiencing increased participation with the criminal justice system are creating problems for parents, schools, communities, and other children who are in the presence of juvenile delinquents. Two of the biggest aspects influencing juvenile delinquency are the family structure that the child is exposed to and the relationship they have with their…
In today’s society kids are learning at younger ages and are well ahead of the past generations. Kids are becoming more mature at younger ages and they are engage in activities that no normal child should engage in. Parental guidance and preventive measures are key factors when dealing with today’s youth population. Most youth are lacking parental guidance which to me is the major problem in juvenile delinquency.…
United States is encountering a serious of concerns about juvenile delinquency. The Criminal Justice System in hand with Governments and community programs are trying to reduce the impacting rates of youth crime acts. Even when such effort is not visible, there is concerned juveniles advocate working behind the scene to help and support teenagers in need of a way out. There are a variety of programs across the nation within the States to help and support young people with social structure, social process and social conflicts.…
Juvenile Delinquency is the participation of illegal behavior by a minor who falls under a statutory age limit. A delinquent is a minor who commits a crime or a status offense. A status offense is conduct that is illegal only because the child is under age i.e. smoking cigarettes (Senna 10, 20). The cases of Eric Smith, Lionel Tate, and an unidentified NJ child are similar only because, they are guilty of killing another child, but the Criminal Justice System treated and punished them very differently. In August 1993 in Savona, New York 13 year old Eric Smith killed 4 year old Derrick Robie. Smith lured Robie into the woods and strangled, beat with large rocks, and sodomized Robie. Smith was questioned by police and kept changing some details in his story. This made police believe that he knew more about the case than he was telling them. Smith confessed to his parents ' that he killed Robie. Smiths ' parents took him to the police. They didn 't consult with an attorney. Smith confessed to police that he killed Robie and was charged with second degree murder. The prosecutor didn 't offer Smith any plea deals. Under NY State Law defendants ' that were 13 at the time of the crime can be tried and sentenced as adults '. The prosecutor had the discretion to try Smith as a juvenile, but instead chose to try him as an adult. As a young child Smith displayed anger problems. He would throw tantrums ' and bang his head on the floor. Smith was a firebug and would kill small animals. He would hit his siblings and would punch things to let out his anger. In school Smith had a learning disability, speech problems and was left back. He was bullied a lot and it affected his self esteem. He had a very low self esteem. Smith 's mother while pregnant with him took tridione to control her epileptic seizures. Tridione can cause birth defects and may have caused physical and developmental defects in Eric. Smith 's attorney said he suffered from a mental disease called intermittent…
According to “Juvenile Delinquency,” under the parens patriae philosophy, minors who engage in extralegal behavior are viewed as victims of improper care, custody and treatment at home (Siegel, Welsh, Senna 16). The concept of parens patriae explains the state’s duty to protect minor children who lack proper care and custody from their parents. The occurrence of minor illegal behavior is a sign that the state should intervene. Before more serious crimes are committed, these youths should be taken care of by the state. The best interest of the minor should be at hand. Instead of being punished for their wrong doing they should be treated and steered in the right direction, away from crime. “Under the parens patriae philosophy, delinquent acts are not considered criminal violations and delinquents are not considered “criminals”.” (Siegel, Welsh, Senna 18)…
The factors which go to make up these difficult situations, together with the mental and physical conditions which influence or hinder a juvenile’s ability to adjust which leads to the causes of delinquency are very complex. Each juvenile offense is the outcome of different causes some of whose origins are from years before the criminal behavior or the offense and others whose origins are more obvious and immediate which connect the act to the delinquency. It has been shown that a different set of causes are involved in each individual case. It is impossible therefore to state the primary causes which will invariably result in any one…
The criminal justice system is identified as an important aspect of our society and enforcing laws that help develop the well being of our nation. One would say the criminal justice system is not implemented to arrest, prosecute or punish criminals, however it is there to prevent crime and form a peaceful, law abiding society. In doing this there would have to be a balance with criminal justice and the rights of the individual accused with society’s need for order. The extent of the efficiency of the juvenile justice system, media’s influence over juveniles and their impact on society's need for order and the possible solutions to the problems arising from these systems, need to be changed in order to reduce the high rate of youth crime. In…
Adolescent Offenders” by Edward P. Mulvey, Carol A. Schubert, and Laurie Chassin, substance use and delinquency are strongly linked together. Studies of youth in juvenile court demonstrate that a majority of court-involved adolescents have recently used illegal substances that are more serious, and frequent adolescent offenders have used more substances. These offenders are more likely to be diagnosed of having a substance use disorder. The issue of when and how individuals develop these occurring patterns of substance use and illegal activity is less clear. Some of the same factors that put an individual at risk for involvement in criminality also put that individual at risk for substance use problems. Parental substance use disorders, poor parenting, violent family environments, and factors such as sensation seeking and lack of behavioral inhibition place an adolescent at higher risk of using drugs and alcohol and engaging in illegal acts.…