(The appeal under 28.U.S.C. 1257 (2) judgment from the Supreme court of Arizona affirming the dismissal of petition. The petition sought for the release of 15 years old Gerald Francis Gault.) Gault had been committed as a juvenile delinquent by the state of Gila County, Arizona. The dismissal came forth because the alleged denial of procedural due process rights to juveniles and various arguments against the constitutional juvenile code of Arizona.…
Substance abuse and dependency persist as a major health and social concern in America. Author Joseph A. Califano, a former secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare notes, “it is hard to find an American family or circle of friends that substance abuse has not touched directly (Califano, J. A., p. 1, 2008).” Califano further explains that although Americans are 4 percent of the world’s population, Americans consume 65 percent of the world’s illegal drugs. Furthermore, one in four Americans will have an alcohol or drug disorder at some point in his or her life. Most of these individuals have parents, children, siblings, friends, community and colleagues who will “undergo psychological and social harm" (Califano, J. A., p. 1, 2008.).” Authors…
Earlier this year the Supreme Court of the United States handed down arguably one their most important, yet controversial decisions regarding juvenile law. In the case Roper v Simmons (2005), a narrow 5-4 decision, overturned the United States practice of allowing capital punishment for juvenile offenders.…
The juvenile justice system process is rather new. The juvenile justice system really changed between 1966 and 1967; with kent vs United States and in re Gualt. Both added rights to the juvenile justice system that adults get. The evolution of the system sped up after those decisions. With eight very important Supreme Court decisions after 1967 till 2012. Each expanding the juvenile justice system.…
b. Delinquency and Detention – “Harsh conditions and over-crowding in detention facilities lead to increased reports of suicide attempts, stress-related illnesses, and psychiatric problems.” (National Juvenile Detention Association and Youth Law Center, 1998)…
Juveniles have been incarcerated in secure facilities since 1974. Juveniles are committing more heinous crimes and citizens have advocated for tougher penalties on crime. They want justice for the violence perpetrated on their families, businesses and communities. The Juvenile Justice system is charged with simultaneously protecting the public as well as reforming those juveniles who are convicted and sentenced to secure facilities. Barry C. Feld (1995) believes that there is a “desire to "get tough," fueled in part by frustration with the intractability of crime, that provides political impetus to transfer some young offenders to criminal courts for prosecution as adults and to strengthen the sanctioning powers of juvenile courts”(p.966).…
The question of whether we should have continued use of a separate juvenile justice system or should we abolish it is a huge debate in the U.S. Is the separate, juvenile justice system still feasible? If not, what can replace it? Policymakers need to confront these questions, and they need innovative answers. New policies should aim for more than simply abolishing the juvenile court's delinquency jurisdiction and sending all young offenders to conventional criminal courts.…
Edwin Desamour was driving with his 3-year-old son in their Philadelphia neighborhood when the little boy looked up and said, “Daddy, look at the moon! I want to go there,” so his father did what many parents would: he bought his son books on science and space and encouraged him to believe that his dreams can come true. Edwin’s son has been blessed with a vastly different childhood than Edwin had. Edwin grew up poor in a violent neighborhood in Philadelphia, surrounded by drugs, guns, and rimes. At age sixteen he was convicted of homicide. The time he spent with his father as a teenager came when they were assigned to the same cellblock in prison. Edwin was caught up in dangerous surroundings he did not chose, and his violent actions as an adolescent resulted in terrible loss, but he matured in prison and was determined to earn parole so he could return to his old neighborhood and make a difference in the lives of other young men (Edelman 1). Juvenile justice refers to teenagers going to jails for committing crimes like stilling, killing or abusing someone or even a school fight. Well for me juvenile justice is wrong because every person deserves a second chance because nobody is perfect. Kids are able to change after their first mistake. My topics are about students that regularly show up in the courtroom who shouldn’t be there and youths being treated like adults are it right or wrong? And my last topic is about the courtrooms are they being racist or are they obeying the law.…
Within the context of Canadian criminal justice, the youth crime is relatively minor yet teeming with excitement and interest, lying at the center of public concern over society’s future adult citizens. In its history, three different forms of legislation have come to pass; the Juvenile Delinquents Act of 1908 remained in place for seventy-six years before being replaced with the Young Offender’s Act in 1984, which was then replaced with the Youth Criminal Justice Act in 2002 (Smandych, 2016: 5). Clearly, the issue of youth justice is not lost on ‘The Great White North.' In the textbook Youth at Risk and Youth Justice: A Canadian Overview, scholars address many factors surrounding youth crime and youth criminal justice, including the overrepresentation…
Over time, there has been extensive research done on juveniles in the justice system. The way to deal with mental illness is to identify and treat the disorder. According to the National Conference of State Legislation, studies show that 70% of juveniles in the system suffer from some form of mental disease or defect. About 20% of them suffer from an illness so severe that it can lead to ongoing delinquency and eventually criminality in adulthood. When our juvenile justice system takes a mentally ill, underdeveloped minor and puts them in jail instead of a treatment facility, it can only make the situation worse. Idaho, Nevada and Texas all have laws that require mental health and/or substance screenings for all juveniles taken into custody.…
North Carolina and New York are the only two states in the United States that prosecute…
The Juvenile Criminal Justice System and Adult court system have many simalities and differences. While the Juvenile Justice system is more concerned with rehabilitation of the Juvenile so he wont contine with more crime when he become an adult , the adult court sytem is looking look to punish the adults with more harsh time, and consequences. They share similarlites such as procedural safeguards to protect their rights and also they both have the right to councel to help defend they self. Even though both court system are ment to rehabilate and punish or detour criminal from more crimal behavior we need they both to keep America safe and to contine our pursuit of happiness.…
. The juvenile justice system is an institution in society that is granted certain powers and responsibilities. It faces several different tasks, among the most important is maintaining order and preserving constitutional rights. The conflict arises when public expectation of order collides with the right of young people to be on the street. The police have a high level of contact with people under the age of 18. UCR data indicate that juveniles account for about 17% of all arrests and nearly 29% of arrests for Index crimes. When juveniles "hang out" on corners or ride around town, they create citizen conflict, regarding the use of public space. The term juvenile delinquent was established so that young lawbreakers could avoid being classified…
The juvenile system started in the17th century, when there were very little legal differences that existed among kids and adults. Adolescence as underdeveloped as seven were measured productive citizens and could be tried if found guilty. Kids were incarcerated with hardened criminals and some even received the death consequence for their crimes as adults.…
In this paper, an assessment will be done on the juvenile justice system. In addition, an explanation will be provided on why the juvenile justice system should focus its efforts on rehabilitation as opposed to punishment. There will also be detailed explanations on how law enforcement, court processes, probation, corrections, community programs and intervention services will be effected. The paper will analyze some of the arguments that will oppose the views of this paper. An explanation will be provided as to why these arguments are not as valid as the arguments that will be made for rehabilitation in the juvenile justice system. Finally, an analysis will be done on how the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages of rehabilitation over…