K-Pax In the movie K-Pax, the main character, Prot, may be a human who is mental or he may be an alien from the planet of K-Pax. Many people try to figure out whether Prot is human or alien, but no one can come up with a positive answer. There is evidence that supports both opinions. Prot may be a human who is just mentally disturbed. He speaks English and you would would think if he was an alien, he would speak the native language of his home planet. Prot looks like a human too. He has all of the features that you and I have. Aliens might not be green and what we think they look like but they would have that many looks related to ours. Also,
Prot has emotions and human instinct. He tries to protect a little girl from something he might have experienced when she tries going into the sprinkler. This isnt just any instinct, it’s a human instinct. Maybe Prot is an alien. In the beginning of the movie Prot is standing in the lobby of an airport. A bystander had said that Prot had appeared out of no where, no luggage, nothing, something that is deffinatly not human. He also can see ultra-violet light. Humans cannot see this
Heather Sadak
Theme #3
Page 2 type of light rays. Its impossible. When Prot was asked to draw the rotation of K-Pax around the sun he was able to do it. His drawing of the rotation fit right into the m=normal rotation of planets. This suggests that another plant may exsist. It is never stated whether Prot is infact an alien. There is much more evidence to support both opinions. In my opinion, I believe Prot is an alien who took over a human’s spirit. In the end Prot leaves to go back to K-Pax when the beams of light come to take him home. What is left is a human who is much different than he was when Prot occupied his body.