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the 'Her Dress Hangs Here': De-frocking Kahlo Cult
in a The 1990shavewitnessed shift theartestablishart towards producedoutsideofits ment'sattitudes traditionalparameters.The work of previously artistshas become an area of rich marginalised speculationamong art dealers priced out of the 'modern masters'market.Almosteveryyear has terrain of witnessedthe discovery new artistic art, art, graffiti Sovietart,Australian theartofLatin America.The major auction houses have moved withthe timesand have foundnew waysofselling would have and content whichin bothform works a provedan unstableinvestment decade ago. The statusof the workof the Mexican painter current Frida Kahlo is a dramaticexampleof thischange. as Once knownprimarily thewifeofDiego Rivera, supercedes outsideofMexiconowfar herreputation have of his:since1979,sale roomestimates herwork and in 1990a $40,000to over$1 million, risenfrom New at workby Kahlo brokeall records