Acceptation Of Holy Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) Existence In Hinu's Holy Books
Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay, a Hindu professor, in his stunning book claims that the description of the" Avatar" found in the Holy books of the Hindu religion, matches the Holy Prophet Mohammed(PUBH). Recently in India, a fact-revealing book has been published. The Book has been the topic of discussion and gossip all over the country.The author of this book, Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay, is a learned and famous Hindu professor. The book is Kalki Avatar. Pundit Vedaprakash Upadhyay is aHindu Brahmin of Bengali origin. He is a research scholar at Allahabad University. After years of research, he published this book, and no less than eight pundits have endorsed and certified his points of argument as authentic. According to Hindu belief, the Hindu world awaits "the guide and leader", named Kalki Avatar. However, the description as given in the holy scriptures of the Hindupoints only to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) of Arabia.Therefore, the Hindus of the whole world should not wait any longer for the arrival of Kalki Avatar (the spirit) and should readily acceptProphet Mohammed (PBUH) as Kalki Avatar. These are the FACTS verified and supported by eight other eminent pundits. What the author says is that Hindus, who are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of Kalki Avatar, are simply subjecting themselves to never ending pain. Because, such a greatmessenger has already arrived and departed from this world fourteen centuries ago.
The author produces the following sound evidences from the Vedas and other holy books of theHindu religion in support of his claim:
1. In the Puranas (Hindu scriptures), it is stated that Kalki Avatar would be the last messenger of God in this world. He would be for guidance of the whole world and all human beings.
2. According to a Hindu religion prediction the birth of Kalki Avatar