This led to an investigation to try and figure out who had done these acts and led the stake out and eventually this led to them being convicted of criminal charges, jail time and major fines. The system had failed in this situation because it was not aware of this illegal and unethical behavior for period of time that led to a number of items and amount of money not collected or found. The people in charge of these men may not have given these men the proper discipline to know that, police officers can behave immorally too. As human beings the weaknesses we endeavor can be extremely hard to overcome. According to Papenfuhs, there are three ethical dilemmas that police officers face every day on the job, the first one is when an officer does not know what the right thing to do is, in a situation, the second is when the course of action by an officer is considered to be right but not easy to do, and lastly, when they choose the wrong course of actions because of heavy temptation (Papenfuhs,
This led to an investigation to try and figure out who had done these acts and led the stake out and eventually this led to them being convicted of criminal charges, jail time and major fines. The system had failed in this situation because it was not aware of this illegal and unethical behavior for period of time that led to a number of items and amount of money not collected or found. The people in charge of these men may not have given these men the proper discipline to know that, police officers can behave immorally too. As human beings the weaknesses we endeavor can be extremely hard to overcome. According to Papenfuhs, there are three ethical dilemmas that police officers face every day on the job, the first one is when an officer does not know what the right thing to do is, in a situation, the second is when the course of action by an officer is considered to be right but not easy to do, and lastly, when they choose the wrong course of actions because of heavy temptation (Papenfuhs,