The Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment conducted three variations of patrol within three different areas of the city, where traditional patrol was typically conducted. In one area police presence was increased, in another patrol was maintained at traditional or normal levels, and in the third patrol area police patrols were lowered and were reactive, only responding to request for …show more content…
Conversely, majority of research conducted on police patrol methodologies has lacked the scientific procedures of replication and refinement of those studies conducted in the past (Fritsch, Liederbach, & Taylor 2009, pg. 16). Therefore, additional funding and academic research (empirical studies) must be conducted in order to better identify proven police patrol employment methodologies in the modern era.
The “Broken Windows” theory implies that as communities deteriorate over time, for example abandoned buildings such as apartment complexes, stores, houses, etc. that crime and incivility moves into these communities. In response to this theory, researchers proposed that law enforcement could sever the links between street level crime and deterioration of incivility through proactive police patrol engagement, which in turn would stop the transition towards more serious criminal offenses and the withdrawal and departure of community residents (Fritsch, Liederbach, & Taylor 2009, pg.