Due process perspective, believe that the justice system should be dedicated to providing fair and equitable treatment to those accused of crime. This means providing impartial hearings, competent legal counsel, evenhanded treatment, and reasonable sanctions to ensure that no one suffers from racial, religious, or ethnic discrimination and that their basic constitutional rights are respected…
There is an old saying that it is better to be lucky than good. This may be true if a person is always lucky, but luck sometimes has a tendency to run out. Making decisions that affect other people’s lives based on luck can be sometimes dangerous, and usually ethically questionable. Leaders who routinely depend on luck for success may find themselves relying on other questionable actions, such as lying, cheating, or stealing, to ensure luck stays on their side. Additionally, this type of behavior may force subordinates to make ethically questionable decisions when luck begins to run out.…
Immanuel Kant’s deontological theory of ethics is the normative ethical position that evaluates the morality of actions. Unlike the empiricist supporters of Utilitarianism, Kant was an unquestionable supporter of rationalism; the idea that pure reason can tell us how the world is, independent of experience. This idea is referred to as an a priori approach, because it makes the assumption that reasoning or knowledge is denoted from theoretical deduction rather than from observation or experience.…
Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher from the 18th century who is well known as an essential person in philosophy today. He has made the argument that there are a set of essential ideas that structure human experience and is the source of morality. His thought continues to have a major influence in contemporary thought, especially the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. Kant’s theory on morality as often been criticized on being too…
For Immanuel Kant, guilt is considered a necessary condition for punishment and judicial punishment can never be used merely as a means to promote some other good for the criminal himself or civil society. He argues that, an offender must first be found to be deserving of punishment before any consideration is given to the utility of punishment for himself or his fellow citizens. In this view, utilitarian concerns can never justify the punishment of an innocent person while guilt itself demands punishment even where punishment is entirely devoid of social utility. Therefore, again we observe that the best action is the one that maximizes utility and can be applied in various ways, but most commonly relates to the maintenance of healthy emotional…
From the way that Kant has been interpreted as a constructivist under the standard model, as Wood’s revealed, one can remark three points about this approach: Overemphasizing on the Formula of Universal Law (FUL), Conception of Value, Conception of Autonomy.…
This essay aims to argue the views of two different theorist, Jeremy Bentham and Immanuel Kant, with regards to their views on moral worth of an action. The idea of good and bad creates heated debates among many, but this essay will successfully unravel the layers of Bentham’s theory of Utilitarianism and his belief that all our motives are driven by pleasure and pain. While arguing Kant’s opposing argument that moral worth of an act revolves around democratic attitudes, and that moral truths are founded on reasons that is logical to all people. When one breaks down both theories, it occurs that Kant’s theory comes out to be the more sensible one in numerous aspects.…
Euthanasia and suicide have a long history of producing polarized opinions. Although neither explicitly used the word euthanasia, eighteenth-century philosophers David Hume and Immanuel Kant's opposed views on the morality of suicide pertain greatly to the modern debate. It is safe to say, when considering the arguments proposed by either philosopher, that David Hume would be greatly in favour whereas Kant would be vehemently opposed. Both philosophers use the same criteria to frame their argument; both men agree that suicide can only be considered morally wrong if it constitutes a transgression of our duty either to society or ourselves (both philosophers also mention our duty to God, but these theological discussions do not pertain to the modern debate on euthanasia). Hume, in his essay On Suicide, concludes that suicidal-acts do not transgress either of these duties. Kant, contrarily, concludes in both Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, as well as his Metaphysics of Morals, that suicidal-acts transgress both.…
Kant philosophy has contributed in development of "pure" moral philosophy, a "metaphysics of morals" that is based on the concepts of reason, not on empirical observations. According to his philosophy moral obligations are applicable to all human beings as it applies not only for particular person in particular situation, but also to all rational beings in all circumstances.…
According to Kant, he believes that the only thing unconditionally good is good will. Good will is the idea of people having to do ones moral duty. Kant’s ethical theories are based off of the categorical imperatives. Categorical imperatives, as stated during class, act only on those rules that you can rationally will to be universal. In response to Kant’s theory, I believe that good will is not the only thing that is unconditionally good. I believe this because there will be many instances in life where having a good will can lead to tragic situations.…
Emmanuel Kant argues that the human understanding of our world is perceived by our experiences and only through them can we gain knowledge. Kant’s philosophic question is rooted in the theory of understanding; in short, what can we know and how can we know it? Most of our knowledge of the world can be derived from our observation of it. As children, we see things, touch things, smell things and so on. Gradually, we understand the world in which we live in; this is the knowledge of sense-perception. For example, wind has no physical form but we can see its effects and can classify it as being part of nature. Kant, however, perceives knowledge only through our experiences. So going back to the example of wind, Kant would say we have knowledge of wind not because we…
This reading “What Is Enlightenment?”, is written by Kant. Kant claims that man does not use their own enlightenment because there are other people with higher intelligence that can make the hard decisions for them and, that, the people listening will obey. Kant supports his claim that mankind does not utilize their enlightenment because they do not have freedom, they are lazy, and cannot escape their own nonage.…
“With every cell of my being, and with every fiber of my memory, I oppose the death penalty in all forms.... I do not believe any civilized society should be at the service of death. I don’t think it’s human to become an Angel of Death.” Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor and Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1986…
Hi Victoria, understand your claim of Pre-crime being immoral. First of all, I agree with you on the fact that Kant would be against Pre-crime. It goes against his formula for the universal law; if you do it, then it you shouldn’t have a problem with someone returning the favor. Chief Anderton, is a prime example since Pre-crime was used against him after Anderton had been all for it. However, he later figured out that Pre-crime was immoral because of the fact that it was used against him.…
Immanuel Kant created a handful of formulations regarding his system of determining morality, the Categorical Imperative. James and Stuart Rachels in The Elements of Moral Philosophy, illuminate Kant's first and second Categorical Imperatives. While Kant claims the formulations are equivalent, they offer differing guidelines on how the Categorical Imperative is operated. Although the formulations share the same basis, the difference regarding how the formulations are adhered, is a large distinction difficult to ignore, and renders the two versions as separate subjects.…