
Kant's Utilitarianism Or Absolutist Theory

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Kant's Utilitarianism Or Absolutist Theory
Utilitarianism is a theory that deals with maximizing one’s happiness and minimizing one’s sadness. The term “Utilitarianism” was coined by David Hume. It was Jeremy Bentham who developed Hume’s theory of Utilitarianism into a moral theory. There are two global thing pain and pleasure and this theory focuses on pleasure. It’s like how much you can expand your happiness and decrease your unhappiness. It is a Hard Universalist or Absolutist theory which believes to make people happy as much as possible. The rule of the Utilitarianism is to always do whatever type of act which is based on the rule that will create the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism is based on consequences. The hedonist calculus is also …show more content…
This theory is a normative theory which is against the wrong or immoral things. This theory is focused on intention. This is based on universal rule which is also called hard Universalist or Absolutist theory. Kant’s categorical imperative theory says you should do this not because it will benefit you in this way, but because it is the morally right thing to do. Kant’s theory is based on good will which has positive effects to the society. This theory is based on intention. Kant’s theory says consequences don’t count but the good will to do counts. This theory is the opposite of the Bentham’s consequentiality theory. Although Kant’s theory is morally good but I have an argument on his theory which excludes the consequences. Before making a decision the consequences must be …show more content…
But with just the intentions while making decisions is not good that will lead to problems not solutions. So, to find the solution first you have to know the consequences for it. In what ways or how it's going to affect you. If you know the consequences while making any decisions then that would be the best way to do things. Therefore, I would prefer more the one which focuses on consequences. Hence, Bentham’s Utilitarianism theory is the theory which is moral for the

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