1. Topic: Karen Horney
2. Perspective Question: How do the strategies a person uses to cope with Basic Anxiety result in the formation of the personality—moving towards, moving away, moving against others?
3. Establish Mindset:
a. What are 3 situations that make you insecure?
b. What do you think are the constant patterns that generates the insecurity?
c. How did you cope with each situation?
d. What is the common strategy you discovered for how you coped?
4. What is the Need? Karen Horney recognized that the existing personality theories were over-focused on “male psychology” and she sought to correct that and present a “feminine psychology.” She expanded on Sullivan’s idea about the social environment and gave a more psychological explanation regarding the child’s responding to that environment. Her theory of neurosis began moving more towards what later became the cognitive movement describing patterns of coping that were dysfunctional.
5. Goal Questions:
a. What are the two basic needs and how does it result in the conflict leading to Basic Anxiety?
b. How does Basic Anxiety come from having these two basic needs?
c. How do the strategies a person uses to cope with Basic Anxiety result in the formation of the personality—moving towards, moving away, moving against others?
6. Key Terms: a. Two Basic Needs b. Basic Anxiety c. The Hostile World: d. Basic Hostility e. Ten Neurotic Needs (Strategies of Coping): f. Three General Categories / Strategies g. Basic Theory of Neurosis
h. Socially Induced Anxiety:
7. Illustration:
a. What are examples of a young child (e.g., age 2-3) showing a conflict between dependence on the parents versus resentment towards them?
b. What are examples of a youth