The fact that there is a break you down phase of your discussion is good, it hints at James is ready to be educated about his identity. The Cross model of positive frame of reference resonates with me, the preencounter, encounter, immersion-emersion, internalization, and internalization-commitment process. Working with the Carter’s has sparked and interest in learning from their whole family. The first meeting with James, brought about insecurities that the family was having. After, the second counseling session the family asked if there was anything they could do to help. African American’s who are sheltered and are not able to see culture will feel guilty or ashamed of their identity. Assigning homework to the …show more content…
• Encounter stage, a two-step process first an individual encounters a profound crisis that challenges his or her previous mode of thinking and behaving; Second, the Black person begins to reinterpret the world, resulting in a shift in worldviews.
• The third stage immersion-emersion, withdrawing from the dominant culture and becoming immersed in African American culture.
• The next stage, internalization, conflicts between the old and new identities are resolved. Global anti-White feelings subside and the person becomes more flexible, and more tolerant.
• The last stage, internalization-commitment, individuals have new found attitudes toward social change, social justice and civil rights (Sue, and Sue, 2015). The Cross model reinforces positive attitudes towards developing a senses of African American identity, while answering the important questions that you present to the family in your passage. James thoughts and awareness of Black Americans could be positive, and your method uses the BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) method to achieve clarity of images. In conclusion this passage was interesting in which I used an African American counseling identity to solve conflict with the Cross model. The methods that were mirrored from you passage, were further explored by adding different methods from the