SCIENCE, SOCIOLOGY AND MARX Sociology is the study of groups of people. Karl Marx was a theorist who largely contributed to the study of sociology by purposing the Conflict Theory . The Conflict Theory is one of the major sociological models for understanding the social world. The Conflict Theory is constructed of three components: The first component is that conflict is a common and ongoing issue in the social world. The second component is that society is built on the conflicting morals and interests of many different social groups. Finally, the third component states that all social conflict occurs between dominant and subordinate social groups who are completing against one another for something they feel is a worthy cause. Marx believed that tension and conflict are the two theories that motivated people and effected how they behave. The conflict theory assumes that institutions and interactions within society foster inequality and competition
References: 1. (Communist Manifesto, Collected Works, VI, 487). 2. Joseph Ben-David & Teresa A. Sullivan {“Sociology of Science” Volume 1, 1975 Annual Review of Sociology 203-222.) 3. (The Gale Encyclopedia of Science | 2008) 4. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company) 5. ("Communist Party USA." West 's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.) 6. ( The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. | 2012) 7. A Dictionary of Sociology | 1998 | GORDON MARSHALL) 8. -Joseph Ben-David & Teresa A. Sullivan {“Sociology of Science” Volume 1, 1975 Annual Review of Sociology 203-222. 9. The German Ideology; New York edition thirty-six 10. Vissing Y. (2011). an introduction to sociology. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from