Karna who was abandoned by his mom Kunti right after his birth and raised by charioteer family. Karna name means “Cutter” as he cut off his armor to complete stranger in a pure generosity. Karna is a person who would never betray somebody and would live under his virtue and his oath even if it cost his life. He realized his birth fact and could have betrayed Kaurava before the war between Pandava and Kaurava, but he decided to be royal to Kaurava and show his strong determination. In similar to Karna, Enkidu who was made with clay and water by the goddess Aruru and grew up in the forest with wild animal is a very royal, generous and emotionally strong character. Enkidu helps out innocent people and animal on numerous occasion. When Gilgamesh was determined to go to the Cedar Forest to exterminate Humbaba, Enkidu agree to go there with him, although he knew that the journey would cost their life and it may not be worth it. On the other hand, Gilgamesh character was a spoiled king with extraordinary power given by him two-third divined being, arrogant and ignore people’s complaints. He did not care people life more than his fame. Gilgamesh did not have limitation such as he would not hold his position even to the gods as he went to the holy Cedar forest and reject Isthar’s affection. Likewise, Pandavas can be very arrogant and stubborn. …show more content…
Karna desire to be a strong warrior got himself cursed. If he did not seek to advance his archery skills, his two curse would have never happen to him. His desire to be a great bring him all the way to be a king and from that point he already pass the line of being virtuous person by changing his social status. The act after Karna became a king is rather ruthless. For example, Karna and Duryodhana ashamed Draupadi as they made her clad in a single garment in the middle of assembly is such a wicked act. Karna’s quality as a hero was foregone and right before the battle with Arjuna, he imply upcoming death during the battle by telling two curses upon him. As Karna being charioteer son, ironically, his death engaged with charioteer wheel got stuck in the ground. Right before Arjuna discharged his arrow, from Arjuna’s chariot, Krsna said “it is fortunate, O Karna that you now remember virtue.” (49 ,1274, The Mahabharta). This statement from Krsna implied that Karna was ready for time to die to repent Karna’s sins such as changing his social class without Sanskritization and following misdeeds after his social class changed. Likewise Enkidu did not do his job to keep Gilgamesh be a good king who is supposed to obey god. Gilgamesh was never satisfied himself as a ruler of Uruk. He kept defeating all the dangerous creatures and he ended up going to the holy Cedar Forest, in which