There names were Jean, Oscar, Baptiste, Charles, Frederick, Felix and Lelia. In 1882 Kate’s husband died of malaria and at the age of thirty two Kate Chopin Became a widow she never remarried after that. During 1883 and 1884 Kate Chopin had an affair with a particular planter then afterwards she moved back to her home town St. Louis where she found an amazing schooling for her offspring. Shortly after her dear mother died. During the next course of her life she focused mainly on her stories writing a whole bunch of amazing stories. I believe she wrote 100 short stories or so. On 1904 She bought a ticket to the World Fair which was close to home. It was extremely hot that day and when she returned home she called her son into her room that night and said her head hurt. The doctors thought she had a cerebral hemorrhage. The next day she went unconsciousness and died on August 22. Years later her work began to be recognized by the people who read
There names were Jean, Oscar, Baptiste, Charles, Frederick, Felix and Lelia. In 1882 Kate’s husband died of malaria and at the age of thirty two Kate Chopin Became a widow she never remarried after that. During 1883 and 1884 Kate Chopin had an affair with a particular planter then afterwards she moved back to her home town St. Louis where she found an amazing schooling for her offspring. Shortly after her dear mother died. During the next course of her life she focused mainly on her stories writing a whole bunch of amazing stories. I believe she wrote 100 short stories or so. On 1904 She bought a ticket to the World Fair which was close to home. It was extremely hot that day and when she returned home she called her son into her room that night and said her head hurt. The doctors thought she had a cerebral hemorrhage. The next day she went unconsciousness and died on August 22. Years later her work began to be recognized by the people who read