The main characteristic both Kat and Kate share is their
The main characteristic both Kat and Kate share is their
will be added shortlyWilliam Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew (ca. 1593) centered around the stormy courtship between the fortune-hunting Petruchio and Katherine, a headstrong woman. After a lengthy battle of the wills, the couple come to love each other and Katherine accepts her role as submissive wife. Kiss Me Kate incorporates Shakespeare's text in the "onstage" portions of the film, and parallels the play's romantic themes in the relationships of the two couples.William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew (ca. 1593) centered around the stormy courtship between the fortune-hunting Petruchio and Katherine, a headstrong woman. After a lengthy battle of the wills, the couple come to love each other and Katherine accepts her role as submissive wife. Kiss Me Kate incorporates Shakespeare's text in the "onstage" portions of the film, and parallels the play's romantic themes in the relationships of the two couples.William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew (ca. 1593) centered around the stormy courtship between the fortune-hunting Petruchio and Katherine, a headstrong woman. After a lengthy battle of the wills, the couple come to love each other and Katherine accepts her role as submissive wife. Kiss Me Kate incorporates Shakespeare's text in the "onstage" portions of the film, and parallels the play's romantic themes in the relationships of the two couples.William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew (ca. 1593) centered around the stormy courtship between the fortune-hunting Petruchio and Katherine, a headstrong woman. After a lengthy battle of the wills, the couple come to love each other and Katherine accepts her role as submissive wife. Kiss Me Kate incorporates Shakespeare's text in the "onstage" portions of the film, and parallels the play's romantic themes in the relationships of the two couples.William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew (ca. 1593) centered around the stormy courtship between the fortune-hunting Petruchio…
Mary Kilbreth, the author of the article “The New Anti-Feminist Campaign,” wrote about about how the feminist movement in the 1920s was not to favor corruption like it was, notwithstanding to gain equality for between women and men. In the 1920s, women who became flappers wanted to have independence and experience happiness, rather than being stuck with controlling husbands and bastardized feminists who did not benefit America itself. These feminists supported “the bureaucratic burden of a Socialist “maternity benefit system,” and nationalized “education,” with “a women in the Cabinet” and the rest of it,” (Kilbreth). What these feminists wanted was very corrupt and that is not what feminism signifies. Feminism symbolizes a “revolt against…
We as Americans reminisce on history to see and understand the advancements we have accomplished and the same can be said of not only the advancement of women but also the image of how women are portrayed. Although in today’s day and age, their figures and beauty are scrutinized but also exploited. For instance in both Tennessee Williams motion picture, “A Street Car Named Desire” and Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin in the Sun you are able to see the evolution of the not only the portal of women but also the advancements they accomplish.…
The Taming of the Shrew was a Shakespearean play that was written between 1590 and 1592. Set in both Padua, and Verona, Italy, the play details the “love” story of Petruchio and Katherina. Shakespeare had written the play to be a comedic piece. In 1967 Franco Zeffirelli transformed The Taming of the Shrew into a movie. Maintaining the original story line and setting, Zeffirelli worked the relationship of actors Richard Burton, Petruchio, and Elizabeth Taylor, Katherina into the comedic movie. In 1999 the Shakespearean play was transformed again and directed by Gil Junger. Junger’s movie, 10 Things I Hate About You, is a modernized take on the original play. Changing Katherina to Kat, and Petruchio to Patrick, Junger immersed the movie in the popular culture ideals of the 1990’s. Interpretations of the texts differ from person to person, this opinions will be based upon an individuals beliefs and values. I interpreted both texts to be misogynistic, although The Taming of the Shrew is more so than 10 Things I Hate About…
TTS reflects its 16th century European context in that its central theme is the dominance of men over women and society’s acceptance of it. Whether Shakespeare intended to ridicule the misogyny and patriarchy of Elizabethan society is irrelevant; however, as his play is concerned with the two, it indicates that the social systems were firmly established. Katherina is forced into marriage that was agreed upon by Petruchio and her father, the governing force of their household. Her objections are nullified in the face of her lesser status as a woman and the authority her father and husband holds over her in age and gender.…
In many cultures, such as European in society, women are perceived as the primary caretaker of the home among other oppressive notions that pertain to them. They were in charge of organizing social events, maintaining the family’s reputation, cooking, and cleaning occasionally with assistance from their children. They were considered to be of less value than their male counterparts and, thus, were not permitted the opportunity to have a role in politics, religion, and society. Since the time of Shakespeare, the majority of gender inequities in society have been abolished, and a new era of complete equality is on the horizon. However, there are barriers of ignorance, whose sole purpose is to hinder progression, that people have yet to break. Women have made efforts to gain equality in society since the 1800’s as seen by the writer and feminist Mary Wollstonecraft who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, the first great feminist treatise. It listed and discussed her grievances concerning gender inequality and had a total influence on the art of travel writing as well as the Romantic Movement. A sign of this progress in society, other than women’s introduction into several facets of society (i.e. entertainment, business, politics, etc.), is the adoption of gender role reversal, partly due to its comedic portrayal in television but also its necessity in some homes. As expected, there were some who were more conservative towards gender equality such as, William Shakespeare which was seen in his gruesome play, Macbeth that used this idea of general role reversal to oppose this idea.…
The playwright of Taming of the Shrew, by Shakespeare, and the film text 10 Things I Hate about You, directed by Gil Junga, convey similar plots, however, the composition of these two texts spreads across 400 years. With this, audiences who have experienced both of these texts can witness the differences of the society within the 17th and the 20th century. This is conveyed through the social context of both era’s (the Elizabethan Era and 20th century USA) and also the Shakespearean language in contrast with the colloquial language. Not only do these play a part, but the gender roles of both women and men are distinctly represented. Finally, the plot and events of both texts coincide with the other issues mentioned. Through all this, there are still discrete and direct links of 10 Things I Hate about You with Taming of the Shrew.…
The submissive natures of the main female characters result from society’s oppression of sectors. Although Caroline and Elizabeth both display qualities worthy of praise, they nevertheless succumb to the need for male protection. After witnessing Caroline’s mourning…
In the play Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare includes several appeals of pathos, ethos and logos. In the last passage of the book, Katharina speaks out to all of the characters with a speech. Katharina describes how she has changed into a person who looks to her husband as her lord, her care taker. The characters who listened to her speech seemed impressed on how she has finally changed her rude attitude and how she obeys her husband Pertruchio’s every word.…
Female emancipation and the struggle for women of existing within a predominately patriarchal society is a prevalent topic in literature. Female heroines are portrayed variably across all eras and genres of literature and yet the use of a melancholic and isolated female protagonist is arguably inescapable as writers continually refer back to a critical portrayal of women in their work. From Chaucer’s presentment of the Wife of Bath as an old hag to John Donne’s plea in his poem ‘Loves Alchemy’ that one should “Hope not for mind in women”1; or one of Shakespeare’s female protagonists, Ophelia driven mad arguably due to her unrequited love for Hamlet. There is a tendency in literature, with particular reference to Shakespeare’s…
The institution of gender roles in many places around the world is controversial to many people, especially because of their depiction, and therefore enforcement, in modern entertainment such as movies and books. For a play written sometime in the early seventeenth century, (Greenblatt 537), Macbeth displays an unusual, varied, and at times modern representation of gender roles. In particular, Shakespeare makes his female characters the driving force behind the plot, which is evident when looking at their utilization in the story.…
With the practice of taking older texts and transforming characters, plots, themes and situations, they are able to be translated into a more modern context in which younger generations are able to understand. But inevitably when an appropriation is viewed, we are aware that values have changed over time. This appropriation can modified to express themes from William Shakespeare’s, ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ and its appropriation ‘Ten Things I Hate about You’. The values of ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ can be translated towards ‘Ten Things I Hate about you.’ These values that are explored both texts are marriage, parenting and self identity.…
Male superiority and the subordination of women are sustained with the conformity of both men and women. The male domination seems to be a social norm accepted and followed by al people in the society. Men are showing their stereotyped perception on women, like Leonato jokes about his daughter as ‘Her mother hath many times told me so’ and Benedick ‘as being a professed tyrant to their sex’ implies their confirmed perception of women to justify their superiority in the society. Women are viewed as a possession and property of men that Benedick brings out the idea of purchase to ‘buy her that you inquire after her’. Women are linked with the image of cuckold when Benedick regards that ‘I will have a recheat winded in my forehead’ and ‘pluck off the bull’s horn and set them on forehead’. The idea of cuckold focuses on woman’s disloyalty that brings out the mentality of men that women are wicked as ‘beauty is a witch’ and women do not deserve as much as men do. With their stereotyped image, the male superiority is confirmed by men. On the other hand, the readiness of women shows that they conform to the male domination and willing to submit to men. Hero…
Gender roles set a standard for how every person is supposed to behave according to their sex. These expectations are based on stereotypical traits and there are often consequences for not following the norms. Shakespeare’s Macbeth gives evidence of how men and women were perceived during the Elizabethan era and what would happen if they did not conform to those roles. Most of the characters’ actions in the play are influenced by how strict the expectations are. Society’s definitions of masculinity and femininity force the characters to conform to certain behaviors based on their gender, which leads some to reject or criticize their given role.…
By exploring the role of woman in Othello and other Shakespeare’s plays, this essay has demonstrated literature is most successful in dealing with a worldwide issue like gender role. A memorable play is a successful play. Gender inequality, a current critical subject, is an important theme found throughout the play. It has powerfully developed the readers’ feelings towards the subject and the play, making it unforgettable. Shakespeare’s plays are truly…