Thomas Putnam establishes conflict by vying for land with other characters. From the outset, he is bitter and quarrelsome over his boundaries. He shouts to Giles Corey, "I'll have my men on you, Corey! I'll clap a writ on you!" (Miller, ) Greediness does not play a role in a time of close-knit societies and in seeking the salvation of God. Putnam displays a threatening tone towards Giles over land. By threatening Giles, Putnam begins a cause to get what he believes is his. He immediately becomes a danger to whoever owns land, particularly Giles. Putnam disregards all his values in an attempt to gain worldly possessions. As the play progresses, Giles explains in court, "If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit up his property " (Miller, ) Giles reveals Putnam's real motive for crying witchery. As Putnam continues his lie, he subjects innocent people to their deaths. This despicable act can only be defined as greed. Moral values are absent as Putnam convinces the courts of witchery. Eventually this leads to the death of Giles by pressing. Putnam personifies greed in The Crucible by neglecting the lives of others while attempting to acquire more worldly possessions without qualms. Contrary to Puritan beliefs, he concerns himself over worldly wealth while ignoring the wealth that may come in the life after....
Thomas Putnam establishes conflict by vying for land with other characters. From the outset, he is bitter and quarrelsome over his boundaries. He shouts to Giles Corey, "I'll have my men on you, Corey! I'll clap a writ on you!" (Miller, ) Greediness does not play a role in a time of close-knit societies and in seeking the salvation of God. Putnam displays a threatening tone towards Giles over land. By threatening Giles, Putnam begins a cause to get what he believes is his. He immediately becomes a danger to whoever owns land, particularly Giles. Putnam disregards all his values in an attempt to gain worldly possessions. As the play progresses, Giles explains in court, "If Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit up his property " (Miller, ) Giles reveals Putnam's real motive for crying witchery. As Putnam continues his lie, he subjects innocent people to their deaths. This despicable act can only be defined as greed. Moral values are absent as Putnam convinces the courts of witchery. Eventually this leads to the death of Giles by pressing. Putnam personifies greed in The Crucible by neglecting the lives of others while attempting to acquire more worldly possessions without qualms. Contrary to Puritan beliefs, he concerns himself over worldly wealth while ignoring the wealth that may come in the life after....