The unsafe working conditions would prove to be the most important reason for the passage of the Keating-Owen Act. Jobs on farms and in coal mines were hotspots for children to work. On the farms, children endured exposure to deadly pesticides and poisonous nicotine on tobacco farms (Kowalski).These devastating chemicals could lead to death, particularly when handled by young people. In addition to pesticides and poisonous nicotine, extreme temperatures and dangerous equipment increased the risk of harm. In mines, fast-moving machinery could cause injury to fingers, hands, and arms. Children might also handle explosives, increasing the risk of serious injury or death (Kowalski). By passing the Keating-Owen Act the risk of injury and potential death of children would be decreased because it prevented businesses from the interstate selling of goods produced by children under the age of
The unsafe working conditions would prove to be the most important reason for the passage of the Keating-Owen Act. Jobs on farms and in coal mines were hotspots for children to work. On the farms, children endured exposure to deadly pesticides and poisonous nicotine on tobacco farms (Kowalski).These devastating chemicals could lead to death, particularly when handled by young people. In addition to pesticides and poisonous nicotine, extreme temperatures and dangerous equipment increased the risk of harm. In mines, fast-moving machinery could cause injury to fingers, hands, and arms. Children might also handle explosives, increasing the risk of serious injury or death (Kowalski). By passing the Keating-Owen Act the risk of injury and potential death of children would be decreased because it prevented businesses from the interstate selling of goods produced by children under the age of