For a long time I harbored a large amount of resentment and anger towards that therapist for “making me feel like everything was my fault.” In reality, there is a good chance she had very good intentions and was trying to use a confronting technique with me. This may have been taught to her in graduate school, and worked with some of her other older, adult clients. This teaches me that it is important to not make snap judgements about others, especially before you really consider how and why they may have completed an action the way they
For a long time I harbored a large amount of resentment and anger towards that therapist for “making me feel like everything was my fault.” In reality, there is a good chance she had very good intentions and was trying to use a confronting technique with me. This may have been taught to her in graduate school, and worked with some of her other older, adult clients. This teaches me that it is important to not make snap judgements about others, especially before you really consider how and why they may have completed an action the way they