MGMT 301
April 16, 2008
Kellogg’s Overview The Kellogg’s company shows a serious commitment to ethics. In 2007, they were the top U.S. company for ethics in the food and beverage industry; third globally.[1] Their role in the food and beverage industry has been maintained for over 100 years, and they produce their products globally, spanning 180 countries. They produce food items such as cookies, crackers, cereal, baking needs, and many other snack items commonly consumed. Ethics is a large part of the Kellogg’s organization; they firmly believe in social responsibility, as well as maintaining their employee’s satisfaction. They have strong core values as a whole which they relay on their website as their K Values™. These values are very important to the company because they strive for customer satisfaction balanced with employee satisfaction, all while providing quality, nutritious food across the globe.
Setting a High Standard for Ethics
The K Values™ that are practiced company wide from high management, to factory labor workers, are the manual for Kellogg’s business practices. These core values include integrity, accountability, passion, humility, simplicity, and results. The first value, integrity, refers to a strong commitment to ethics, having respect for diversity, and speaking positively of coworkers even when they are not around. Accountability puts an end to people diverting blame. If people are accountable for their actions, results become the primary focus. Passion is one of the values, and is practiced by employees having pride in their brand, as well as passion to continually improve and innovate. Humility is a very important value in that it stresses the importance of admitting to mistakes, realizing that there is constant room for learning, and be willing to be taught. Simplicity puts an end to slowing processes that have no added value, and avoid hidden agendas in the workplace. Then finally, there are results.