Title: Solutions to Kelly’s Assignment in Japan Case Study
Module Title and Number: Managing Across Borders MGT 3203
Date : January 28, 2013
Word Count : 1650
CHAPTER PAGE Introduction 3
Culture Shock Stages Reflection…………………………..………………………….………………..3 Assessment of Clashes 5 Successful International Assignments 5 Suggestions to Remedy the Situation 6 Conclusion 7 REFERENCES 8 APPENDICES Appendix 1 10 Appendix 2 11 Appendix 3 13
INTRODUCTION The American and Japanese cultures have been compared in a general context for their contrasting values. In addition, the two cultures have been described as ‘‘polar extremes’’ by Barnlund (1975) as stated by (Khan et al. 2009) , pointing to Japanese being reserved and formal whereas the American being self-assertive and informal. When accepting assignments in foreign countries as expatriates, cultural differences are important to consider. More importantly, cross-cultural management is a matter an expatriate should be prepared for and which the company should give importance to. In this case, Kelly an American employee, who is a programme manager working in the US accepted an assignment in Tokyo, Japan. She had little time to decide but she accepted the offer and the family moved to Tokyo. This report starts with explaining the stages of culture shock the family experienced. The report then summarizes the cultural clashes that took place in the case which were a result of cultural differences and lack of orientation, preparation and training. After that, the report highlights the factors Kelly should have considered before accepting the offer and gives recommendations on how the company should have offered this international assignment. Finally, suggestions of what can be done to remedy the situation are proposed.
(Answer to Second Question)
References: Deresky, H. (2011). International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures (7th Edition) Pearson Higgs, M Parboteeah K. & Cullen J. (2011) - Strategic International Management. (5th ed) Canada, Nelson Education, Ltd Vesa Peltokorpi (2008) Illustration of Hofstede’s , and Trompenaars’s frameworks with regards to comparing the American and Japanese national cultures. (Deresky, 2011) and (Parboteeah and Cullen , 2011). The table demonstrates the dimensions each research tested