Evoulution of IT sphere in different countries provides provides them with the chance to gain a bigger role in the global market, by pushing down or at least miminizing the barriers for the accomulation of the transnational capital.
Adoption of the main principles of the Free-trade market for example may lead to the flow of international funds including foreign investment and great number of transnational trade contracts. Such economy developement may lead to the growth of the country internal capital. However, the distribution of such money is usually unequal which means the formation of the gap between «insanely rich» and «really poor». That means that obviously there are bad consequences. Such unequal flows of world financial funds is considered to be the main disadvantage of the economical globalization. On more bright example is the distribution of the labour force. Becoming rich some countries of just big companies offer biger wages and conditions for its employees that leads to the uneven distribution of the labour forces and therefore the position of companies of countries in the economic market.
Not every country has the opportunity to develope technologies so fast(it is one of the way of becoming weighty on the world arena). So, this leads to the uneven ranking not only companies or particular entrepreneurs but the whole countries in the international market.