Centre International de Formation Européenne
Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales
Master (M.A) in Advanced European and International Studies
Anglophone branch
Role of Kemalism in Turkey’s EU Accession Process
Author: Emre Demir
Academic year: 2009-2010
Supervisor: Prof. Matthias Waechter
The extended period for the European Accession talks came to a pivotal point on October 3rd 2005, when Turkey began dialogue with the European Union towards this issue. These dialogues showed the level of improvement Turkey made in terms of democratizing the government according to the European conditions set from December 17th 2004, in accordance with the Copenhagen criteria. The increase of democratization efforts also presented issues related to the future of Kemalism which has been deeply affected by these criteria. These criteria along with the propositions that these issues prevent Turkey from entry into the EU resulted in the heavy scrutiny of Kemalism. This study’s objective is to address the issues of Kemalism as it related to the EU’s criteria for membership and the reasons and methods for the EU’s objection to the fundamentals of this ideology.
Keywords: Turkey, European Union, Kemalism
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................3
CHAPTER I: EU CRITERIA AND KEMALISM…………................................10
1.1 Turkey-EU Relations.......................................................................................10
1.2 The Conflicting Points between the EU and
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