Media produced internally by Synthesis Residence Kemang is very diverse, including project profile handbook, website Synthesis Residence Kemang, also in-house Living in Kemang magazine. In-house Living in Kemang magazine is one of the public relations communication media products or public relations. The role of Living in Kemang magazine is very strategic because it can be a medium of information and communication to the audience, strengthening relationships with customers or society, as an elegant and effective promotional tool, as well as the symbol of the existence of the Synthesis Residence Kemang.
Living in Kemang magazine refers as an internally developed and publicized medium, to communicate …show more content…
To the internal circle, Living in Kemang magazine serves to convey information about programs and activities that must be supported together. Living in Kemang magazine is also expected to boost morale, solidity, pride and sense of belonging to the Synthesis Residence Kemang.
The contents of Living in Kemang magazine contain messages for external circles as a vehicle to introduce the Synthesis Residence Kemang and the surrounding area. Then to provide promotional related information. The next function is none other than to give a positive image of Synthesis Residence Kemang.
The purpose of inhouse Living in Kemang magazine …show more content…
Gatot Subroto Kav. 64 No. 177 A Jakarta
Material : Cover depan – art paper 210 gram Isi – art paper 150 gr
Color : 4/4
Page : 28 pages
The contents of Living in Kemang magazine in the form of rubrication, where each - each rubric has the meaning as follows:
Tren : review lifestyle
Umah : give tips related to occupancy
Holistic : leisure in Kemang and surrounding areas
Santap : culinary information in Kemang area
Wicara : opinion from professional
Review : book reviews, movies and exciting events
Komunitas : profiles and community activities
Ujar – ujar : testimony public figure about Kemang Residence Synthesis
Rubrication made is expected to provide information to the reader.
1.1.7 Composition of Editors of Living in Kemang Magazine
Living in Kemang magazine has an editorial structure as