Clark worked heavily with his wife, Mamie Phipps Clark. Together they founded several organizations for African American children affected tremendously by the psychological effect of racial segregated schools. By himself Kenneth Cole published several news articles and published books of these various conditions that …show more content…
This test showed the constant choice from young black children, the choice of the white doll. This was evident that the negative effects of racism on the identity and psychological advancement of African American children. His conclusion of this documentary were essential matters that led to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the doctrine for segregation was unconstitutional. Kenneth’s constant work with the NAACP led him to work with case that were handled by the Supreme Court.
With his psychological outlook on these cases helped changes the laws regarding segregation in the public school system. He played a major role on the Brown vs. Board of Education case. Kenneth Clarks studies exposed the effects of inferiority of African American children and how greatly segregated schools changed their attitude, personalities, self-worth, self-esteem and ability to learn. For his extraordinary studies and demonstrations, Kenneth Clark receive international attention and recognition for all of his work and how effective his methods were and how true all of his collected research