Health System in
Onesimus Kipchumba Murkomen
Attorney at Law & Consultant
Strategic Thinkers and Actors Consultants Ltd.
Twitter: @Kipmurkomen
Devolution and Health Consultative Meeting
Nairobi, Kenya
October 24, 2012
A. Understanding Devolution; Concepts and Principles.
B. The Objectives, Functions, Powers and Structures of
Devolved Governance in Kenya.
C. Transition to county governance; Challenges and
D. Devolution and health system in Kenya
Part A:Understanding
Devolution; Concepts and Principles
A. Devolution-Concepts and Principles
¡ Devolution is a form of decentralisation
¡ Founded on the principle of subsidiarity ( Dav i d
A. Bos ni c h,
T h e P r i n c i p l e o f s u b s i d i ar i ty h t t p / / w w w. ac t o n . o r g / p u b / r el i g i o n l i b erty/ vol ume- 6- numb er- 4/ p ri nc i p l e- s ub s i d i ari ty)
¡ Refers to restructuring or re-organisation of authority that there is a system of co-responsibility between institutions of governance at the central, regional and local levels according to the principle of subsidiarity ,...”(UNDP, Bureau for Devel opment Pol i cy, September
¡ Decentralisation seeks to promote individual freedom and public participation in governance
Forms of Decentralization
¡ 2
¡ 3
¡ This form is not considered per se as a form of decentralisation ¡ Better considered as a form of divestment which occurs when planning and administrative responsibility or other public functions are transferred from government to voluntary, private, or non-government institutions.
¡ A county government may enter into partnerships with any public or private organization in accordance with the provisions of any law relating to public or private partnerships for any work, service or