Landon Jones’s article from “The Atlantic” of August,2014, “Echoes of Michael Brown's Death in St. Louis's Racially Charged Past” recalls violence towards African Americans long time before the shooting of Michael Brown. The author shares his memories of the segregated Sportsman’s Park and the single black person he met at young age. He lists race riots between black and white happened in the Illinois City and the Fairground Park Pool. Landon Jones describes St. Louis as “a city burdened with racial tension” all the time. He points out that discrimination and segregation underlie the racial violence. In his conclusion, Jones claims that racial separation still exists in St. Louis at present.…
All those fucking VCs, they should all get killed. Nam should be entirely destroyed! TNT should be placed all over Vietnam so this bitch would disappear from the map. That’s all it deserves after taking away my freaking best friend. I did see plenty of people die in Vietnam, but this was fucking unbelievable, partly because he was my fucking best friend and partly because of the way it happened. Just like we used to, Curt and I went to play catch with a smoke grenade, which was certainly the greatest game ever thought, under some huge trees; the biggest I’ve ever seen of my life. We were having a great time. In fact, everyone always had a great time with Curt; he was such a nice guy, a respectable guy. However, this bitch…
Title Anna Deveare Smith’s book Twilight: Los Angeles 1992 is a witness-centered, composite tale of various experiences of the Rodney King riots. It is an emotional book, primarily centered on the attitudes and feelings of the riot’s victims. The purpose of Twilight is to lay bare the damage, loss and suffering caused by the violence. The book is not an attempt to make a judgment on the outcome of the King trial, as Smith states in the introduction “Twilight is an attempt to explore the shades of that loss. It is not really an attempt to find causes or to show where responsibility was lacking”(Smith xxi).…
Between 1915 and 1970, six million African Americans left their homes in the South and moved to the states in the North and West (Layson and Warren 1). This movement is called the great migration and is explained in The Newberry, Chicago and the Great Migration article. Some of the main reasons that African Americans traveled from the north to the south is because of racism reconstruction and a chance to get more opportunities as equals. In the book native son the main character Bigger Thomas goes through discrimination because of his actions based off of his race. In this paper what bigger went through will be compared to the great migration article. Bigger experiences racism, segregation, and poverty throughout the book native…
The Innocent Man is non-fiction examining several particularly unjust criminal convictions in the Oklahoma justice system. But as non-fiction, you will not believe how innocent people can be railroaded onto death row on almost no evidence whatsoever, coerced confessions and unscrupulous prosecutors who want someone's head on a stick without truly looking for the killer.…
Part one discusses the beginnings of Jim Crow juvenile justice and how racism prevailed throughout the formation of the juvenile court system in America. Part two covers the Black Child-Saving Movement in America with integration in the system and how different activists spoke out against racism. Ward does a good job of going in chronological order to cover many topics, especially in part two of the book and pre/post-civil rights movement eras. There is a natural flow of the book which starts from the beginning of parens patriae and ends with Ward’s ideas on how to proceed and the differing developments that have limited the potential for African Americans to impose their ever-present concerns with the juvenile justice…
The second chapter of Eyes on the Prize, Standing for Justice discusses segregated South mostly Mississippi and the rising blacks murdered. Its primary focus Emmet Till reviewed the story of what led to his killing and the proceedings after his death. The chapter started with the Supreme Court case of Brown V.S. Board of Education, which desegregate public schools in America. Following the ruling, Mississippians did not welcome the decision, and the lack of court orders showed the government’s actual interest. Even the President of the United States, President Eisenhower did not endorse either side but made that clear when he made a comment about Earl Warren. Noticing the rising threat of African Americans, as the population had more blacks…
Chapter four in Sandel’s book “Justice” talks about markets and morals. In this chapter we consider the morality of paying people to perform different types of work such as fighting wars and bearing children. The question that stands is whether there should be a market, when money is involved, to the aspect of morality. One good example that Sandel portrays in this chapter is “Pregnancy for Pay.” Thinking through the rights and wrongs in this example helps clarify the differences among leading theories of justice.…
The film Twelve Angry Men suggest that The United States Judicial system is very unfair to the person being tried.In this trial, the defendant is being tried for killing his father. Some of the men in the jury are chosen very poorly. One example of them being chosen poorly is their past clouds their judgment. Juror number three had a bad past with his son which lead him to believe that all children are ungrateful and useless. “You're right. It's the kids. The way they are you know? They don't listen. I've got a kid. When he was 8 years old, he ran away from a fight. I saw him. I was so ashamed I told him right out “I'm going to make a man out of you or I'm going to have to bust you up into little pieces trying.” When he was 15 he hit me in the face. He's big, you know. I haven't seen him in three years. Rotten kid! You work your heart out.... All right let's get on with it.” This is unfair to the defendant because he's now seen as ungrateful and rotten to juror number three even before the case. The US should look…
Throughout the 1900s, the United States of American dealt with civil rights issues. California struggled with civil rights starting with the labor wars all the way to the 1970s. In the book Bridges of Reform, the author, Shana Bernstein, focuses on civil rights activism in the West coast, specifically Los Angeles. Additionally, Bridges of Reform attempts to point out how important the West, especially cities like Los Angeles, were in dealing with a nation of civil rights issues. Bernstein successfully argues how coalitions among multiple races in Los Angeles helped shape civil rights battles not only in Los Angeles but across the nation.…
This essay that I’m going to talk about is about Ruby Bridges. She was the first black black child to cross an invisible line and enter an all-white school. She was only six years old when she went to the school in New Orleans on November 12, 1960. On her first day to the school she was escorted by three men that were white. Also on the first day of school there was a group of white people gathered by Franz Elementary school. When Ruby started walking into the school people would say mean things to her and wanted to hurt her. They would say 2,4,6,8, we don’t want to integrate. The white people would also carry signs saying “No blacks aloud in an all-white school.” She stuck through year of injustices and at the end there were more.…
My January/February Independent Reading book was Leon’s Story by Leon Walter Tillage, and the genre of this book is nonfiction (autobiography). I thought that this was an amazing book and I would recommend this to my peers. This book is about the perspective of the author growing up when he was younger. The overall theme of this book is racism. In Leon’s Story the setting is in the 1930’s where they live on a farm in order for his dad to pay off debts by share-cropping in North Caroline. There are certainly many different conflicts in this book but overall it has to do with racism and the unfair Jim Crow laws (Characters vs Society). This story is sad; it talks about the racism that African-Americans had to deal with at the time and gives a lot of examples of it. The protagonist in the book is Leon; he is friendly to everyone including whites and tries to do everything right and strongly believes that everyone should be equal. But the antagonists are mostly all white people. They’re the antagonists in this book because they hate all African- Americans including Leon and his family just because of skin color, and would even go to the extent of killing them because they don’t like their skin color. This book was short, and fast paced, yet detailed. This book had good details; the author did a good job of explaining everything very clearly, which made the book a lot more interesting. Here is an excerpt of the book so you can see what the author’s writing style is like, “I remember that as a young boy I used to look in the mirror and I would curse my color, my blackness.” Overall this book taught me a lot about how horrible racism was back then. I would definitely recommend this book if you want to read something short and fast paced that will also help you learn a lot more about racism.…
During the period in time covered in Arc of Justice the Great Migration is in full swing. Myriads of blacks are leaving the South and Jim Crow in search of work and opportunity. The story begins in 1925 Detroit, when Dr. Ossian Sweet attempts to move his family out of the ghetto into a bungalow located in an all white, working-class neighborhood. Suspecting that his neighbors would not take kindly to his arrival Sweet brings nine men and arsenal of guns with him. When the mob does indeed form outside the bungalow, and the police do nothing to deter their violence, Sweet’s younger brother Henry fires into the crowd killing one man and injuring another. The eleven black adults in the home including Sweet's wife, were then taken to jail and charged with first-degree murder.…
Third, in The Street by Ann Petry, Lutie’s son, Bub, is offered a servant-type labor of work as he cleans White’s shoes in the streets of Harlem for a low-pay. Finally, in The Ethnics of Living Jim Crow by Richard Wright, the Black narrator ends up losing his job when he forgets to properly address the white man as “sir.” Each main character are Black and go through psychological trauma based on the obstacles set up by the Whites. In cases like the Younger family and Lutie and the son, upward mobility is difficult because they are Black wanting to achieve the American Dream. On the other hand, in cases like Emmett Till and the Black narrator, talking is a crime which leads to devastating consequences. The Younger family, Emmett Till, Lutie, and the Black narrator all go through psychological effects of being Black. However, survival is the greatest resistance for Blacks in order to overcome the Whites’ obstacles…
Your book ‘Study Hall of Justice’ is one of my favorite books in the whole world! I love the idea of superheroes as kids. What intrigued me was that it was in the form of a comic book. The illustrations in the book were simply extraordinary. My favorite part in the story was the part when Diana/WonderWoman said that she had a jet, but Bruce/BatMan said he wouldn’t believe it until he sees it. I loved that reference to the INVISIBLE jet. One part that I didn’t understand was when Diana and Clark turned bad. I don’t understand what did it to them. Was it the mind control helmet? If it was then that was a great idea to show us what the mind control helmet could do. Thank you for your…