Popular perceptions of theology is that many people despise theology. They believe that God does not exist or hold any value worthwhile to study. They can see no reason to study theology or why to know God. They have negative perceptions of and attitudes towards theology because they experienced and only seen bad theology. Theology to them is dry and lifeless, even in their own church it is killing their vibrant faith.
Kevin’s vision of theology is to have a clear vision of what theology is and how it must be done. I have a passionate love for God and desire to understand Gods will for my life, generation and context. By using a systematic study of divine revelation and …show more content…
Theology is faith and love seeking understanding. If we approach our task with our focus fixed on God, theology is inspiring and life- giving. It is not an academic study of dry and lifeless texts or ideas. I will interpret, evaluate, discuss and compare. I will ask for wisdom while I carefully re-examine and re-evaluate my interpretations. It will inspire my faith, deepen my love for Christ, and improve my relationships, giving me a clear vision leading me into the truth of God. The Holy Spirit, who knows the thoughts of God, will lead me into the truth of God and help me to understand the things freely given to us by God (1 Cor. 2:11–12). I will show kindness and respect to those who hold different views. (Job 38:1). I will have a tender heart and a humble mind. (1 Pet. 3:8). It means that we must test everything and hold onto what is good (1 Thess. 5:21). All interpretations will be tested and measured against the scriptures. ‘We explicitly evaluate the inherited understandings that guide our interpretations and actions’ (Cowan 2000, n.p.). We are open to new ideas and alternative