Dr. Kumashiro is an award winning author and editor of ten books on education and social justice. In 2012-2014 Dr.Kumashiro served as president of the National Association for Multicultural Education. He is also a founding member of the Chicagoland Researchers and Advocates for Transformative Education, which produces research briefs and organizes public events that aim to reframe the debate on public-school reforms in Chicago. His recent awards include the 2013 Mid-Career Scholar Award from the American Educational Research Association Teaching and Teacher Education Division, the …show more content…
2014 Engaged Scholar Award from the Association for Asian American Studies, the 2014 Distinguished Scholar Award from the AERA Research on the Education of Asian and Pacific Americans SIG, the 2015 Charles DeGarmo Lecture Award from the Society of Professors of Education, and the 2015 Distinguished Scholar Award from the AERA Scholars of Color. Kevin Kumashiro is a teacher and an educator of educators. Kumashiro was inspired by his mother and high school teachers to become an educator. He has taught all levels from elementary to college. His ideas and methods on fighting against oppressive education came from his own personal experiences being his own Asian-American and homosexual. ‘’In fact, people often consider some practices and relations to be part of what schools and society are supposed to be, and fail to recognize how the repetition of such practices and relations – how having experienced them again and again – can help to maintain the oppressive status quo of schools and society.’’ (Against Repetition, Kumashiro, 68) Kumashimo acknowledged that any way of teaching has strengths and weaknesses, which means that a lesson can never be unproblematic.
(2015) Review of Proposed 2015 Teacher Preparation Regulations. Think Twice Review, published by the National Education Policy Center.
(2002) "Against Repetition: Addressing Resistance to Anti-Oppressive Change in the Practices of Learning, Teaching, Supervising, and Researching."Harvard Educational Review, 72(1), 67-92. Reprinted in Race and Higher Education: Rethinking Pedagogy in Diverse College Classrooms (Howell & Tuitt, Eds.,