Within this essay key actors in the making of business policy in the European Union (E.U) will be brought to light. Specific motives and duties of each actor will be clearly defined and how each individual actor affects business policy within the E.U. Internal governing bodies as well as pressure groups and other actors will be elaborated on with their own influences in the making of a business policy.
The European Union is an economical and political amalgamation of 27 countries located primarily in the European continent (see appendix i for all members). These 27 member states have relinquished part of their sovereignty to European institutions and these institutions or ‘governing bodies’ are those that set the direction for the whole E.U. The E.U has delivered half a century of peace, stability and prosper according to some governing bodies however this feeling is not universal. The EU is based on the rule of law, this means that everything that it does is founded on treaties, voluntarily and democratically agreed by all member countries; an example of this is the ‘Treaty of Lisbon’. These binding agreements set out the EU 's goals in its many areas of activity
There are four main European Union governing bodies and these are responsible for the majority of the activities in the E.U. The bodies are listed below:
1. European Commission
2. European Council
3. European Parliament
4. European Court of Justice
1. European Commission
The European Commission, established in 1958, is the ‘executive body’ of the E.U. The Commission is primarily based in Brussels at the Berlaymont building however many other operations occur around Brussels and Luxemburg with many meetings taking place in Strasbourg. The main responsibilities of the Commission are proposing legislations, implementing decisions, upholding the union 's treaties and day to day
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