Slaves were not first owned by white men they were owned by their own kind; also even sold off to the white men. I say that because in 1619 twenty Africans were brought to English colony of Jamestown, Virginia. This is giving an example of what I was talking about. Slavery was one of those things, African Americans, thought …show more content…
The South knew that the North had more advantages on them with industry and agriculture, and things like that, so the South decided, why not we have slavery so we will not have to do the work, but that still did not beat the advantages the North had on them. Even after slavery ended, African Americans had to deal with Jim Crow Laws, which are laws that are created by white people saying, black people could not use anything that the white people used. For example, black people could not drink out of the same water fountain. Jim Crow Laws back then were very difficult for the African Americans to pull threw. Slavery was one of those things black people could not deal with. Some slaves back in the day did some things that were really bad, but they took the chance. Some of them made it and some