The DfE states that:
Teaching should ensure that work in 'speaking and listening', 'reading' and 'writing' is integrated.
In English, during key stage 1 pupils learn to speak confidently and listen to what others have to say. They begin to read and write independently and with enthusiasm. They use language to explore their own experiences and imaginary worlds.
Reading: during Key Stage 1 pupils' interest and pleasure in reading is developed as they learn to read confidently and independently. They focus on words and sentences and how they fit into whole texts. They work out the meaning of straightforward texts and say why they like them or do not like them.
The programme of study for English and the National Literacy Strategy Framework for teaching are closely related. The framework provides a detailed basis for implementing the statutory requirements of the programmes of study for reading and writing.
Building on the early learning goals
Pupils' prior experience of literacy includes: knowledge of initial and final sounds and short vowel sounds in words stories, poems and other texts recognition of some familiar words.
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Reading strategies
1. Pupils should be taught to read with fluency, accuracy, understanding and enjoyment:
Word recognition and graphic knowledge
They should be taught phonemic awareness and phonic knowledge to decode and encode words, including to:
a. hear, identify, segment and blend phonemes in words in the order in which they occur
b. sound and name the letters of the alphabet
c. identify syllables in words
d. recognise that the same sounds may have different spellings and that the same spellings may relate to different sounds
e. read on sight high-frequency words and other familiar words
f. recognise words with common spelling patterns
g. recognise specific parts of words, including prefixes, suffixes, inflectional endings, plurals
h. link