Learning About the Teaching of Reading in Key Stage 2
(Do this task in the first of your KS2 placements)
Name _______________________ Group 1 2 3 4 5
Relevant Teachers’ Standards: 2, 3, 4 & 6
This is a substantial placement task for KS2, which asks you to find out about aspects of reading in your school.
Hand in the completed task at Avon Reception after placement.
This task is designed to ensure you look closely at the mechanisms, structures, processes and resources for teaching of early reading whilst you are on KS 2 placement. The scope of the task is wide and you should seek help from a number of sources.
• Observe what happens in your setting/class and in others, if you need to. • Your teacher will know a good deal about the programme- arrange to discuss it. • The school literacy policy will be informative and the assessment and parent policies might also refer to aspects of this audit. • The handbooks and websites of any materials that are used in school are a good source of information. • The literacy co-ordinator will be a good source of information, but arrange a time to discuss it with him/her and don’t just “ask in passing”
Look carefully at what goes on in class and read the policies and handbooks before meeting to discuss …show more content…
Let the child choose from a limited range of suitable fiction and non-fiction. Ask the child why they made the choice. The exact format of the session will depend on the child but may include: you reading all, or part of the book, the child reading all or part of the book. You should note what the child struggles to read and how he/she tries to work out the words. If a child is really struggling, give him/her the correct words (when you have given them a chance to work it out) so that they do not become frustrated or anxious. Discuss the book so that you can estimate how well the child has understood the