
Key Values And Ethics In Social Work

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PCD 4: Social Sector Specific Studies

Online exam paper: (Tutor: Laiqa Sheikh)
Date: 01.12.2015
A39DSS: Autumn 2015
Student: Cristina Marcu (C32620)

3) What are the Key ‘Values and Ethics’ in social work?

Ethics is a science at the crossing border between the moral philosophy and the particular ethics of different professions. The practice of ethics should help in the prevention of malpractice since it states the rights and duties of one professional group. For a professional it’s expected to know the ethics and values of that profession.
According to the Dictionary of Sociology the definition of value is expressed as :“In Parsonian sociology, social order depends on the existence of general, shared values which are
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Social work as profession is not just scientific but has a high level of practice with orientation on humanism. The deontological code of the social workers grants the human rights, without differences of sex, race, age, language, religion or culture, trying to reduce the inequalities between the minority or disadvantaged groups and the majority of the population. Values are essential for defining social work since as they are known in the literature as being based on this practice or constituting at least one of its conditions indispensable. Values represent one of the particular aspects of interaction between social workers and their clients.
According to Gray and Webb (Ethics and Value-Perspectives in Social Work, 2010, 20) “social work´s core values convey an aura of certainty about what a profession stands for (…) More recently, the values of non-discrimination and cultural competence has been added to Biestek´s (1961) and Timm´s (1983) original lists of values comprising respect for persons, self-determination, individualization, confidentiality and non-judgemental
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It identifies five main values: human dignity and human worth, social justice, service to humanity, integrity and competence. BASW´s the code of ethics states main values and principles in social work. These reflect over the human rights, social justice and professional integrity, as follows:
Human rights “Value: Social work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people as expressed in the United Declaration of Human Rights (1984) and other related UN declaration on rights and the conventions derived from those declarations.” “Principles: Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being; respecting the right to self-determination; promoting the right to participation; treating each person as a whole; identifying and developing strengths”.
Social justice “Value: Social workers have a responsibility to promote social justice, in relation to society generally, and in the relation to the people with whom they work. Principles: Challenging discrimination, recognising diversity, distributing resources, challenging unjust policies and practices and working in

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