Self-Concept & Perception Impact Interpersonal Communication
Kaplan University
1. How would you describe Jim’s self-concept?
Jim’s self-concept is described as reflected appraisal. How we think others appraise us affects how we see ourselves (Wood, 2012 pg 42). His reflected appraisal affects him through self-fulfilling prophecies, which occur when we internalize other’s expectations or judgments about us and then behave in ways that are consistent with those expectations and judgments (Watzlawick, 2005)
2. Explain, using examples from the video and course concepts, how Jim’s self-concept impacted his interaction with his father. Was it positive or negative?
My perception of Jim’s self-concept is that he has a negative image of himself. He feels as if no matter how hard he tries, he cannot make his father happy. He has blocked himself from possibly attaining good grades and achievements. Jim stated “no matter how much studying I do, I am not going to get all A’s. What should I do, I mean how do I convince them that I’m doing everything I can”. He is using his father’s experiences and expectations as a negative example which is not allowing him to see the potential he may have. Instead he should see it as a positive thing, that way it will motivate him and be able to prove his father wrong.
3. Explain, using examples from the video and course concepts, how the father’s self-concept impacted his interaction with Jim. Was it positive or negative?
As his father, he believes Jim’s grades are based on his irresponsibility by spending time with his friends, instead of focusing on his grades. His father stated “I’m not paying for you to go to school so you can party with your friends. I paid my own way and still made Phi Beta Kappa. You have a free ride, and you’re still pulling C’s. You just have to study harder”. Jim’s perception is based on self-serving bias; as he is not taking responsibility for his actions, instead is looking