Honesty is the most important to anybody. Nobody wants to be in any type of relations to a liar. That including kindness and straightforwardness means an abundance of importance to anybody. Heroes don’t just think of themselves, they also think of other’s needs. A hero can be your local junkie saving a cat form a tree for a little, to you biggest business man that does whatever he can to save the games in the park for the community kids. Heroes have a plethora of courage. Standing up for what they believe in, even if they are standing alone. Standing up for what’s right is always a hero characteristic. Not just adults are heroes. …show more content…
People are willing to put other people down for their own entertainment or because they are bored with their lives. Just simply walking pass a kid’s lemonade stand and saying “no” can crush a kid’s esteem and therefore those people are not heroes. Being mean to people, not helping, saying and doing whatever they want to get where they want to go even if they have to lie and cheat does not show heroism. Anti-heroes are the exact opposite of heroes. They instead focus on the negative and have absolutely no morals and will in fact cause trouble in the community. In other words, anti-heroes are indeed the modern