Explain how this client might react to counselors of the same race? Of a different race?…
The homecoming musical performed this year, in the Shaw Center Auditorium, was Little Shop of Horrors. Being part of the crew, gave me the opportunity to see the play grow from rehearsing on an empty stage, to what was presented on opening night. However, I only had one opportunity to seat in the audience and see the entire play on Thursday, September 19th. Not knowing much about the play before that night, I was very surprised about everything that happened. Everyone I thought was important ended up dead, and I wasn’t expecting that. But I really liked it, because it had that surprise factor that made me jump off my seat a couple of times. Also, it was well structured, making it easy to understand what led to every situation and the characters gave live to every scene making the musical exciting and funny, which kept me interested until the end.…
1. The most ethical decision is if she turns left into town and report the accident to the police. Even if she turns herself in and jeopardizes to lose her school-funding grant, she knows she did the right thing and her conscious is clean. She caused a fatal accident that killed the other driver, which means she must report to the police. If she doesn’t, then her friend should turn her in and help her for the long run. Human moral and ethical values are more important then the award for the school grant and reputation in the company. In the Deckop Chapter article-“Theoretical Bases for Analyzing the Ethics of a Decision”, it compares the utilitarianism and universalism theories. It states that utilitarianism is regarding “the greatest good for the greatest number and the ends justify the means”. It’s not ethical to disregard the law and serve the greater good. If she was killed in a deadly car accident, I’m sure she would want someone to report her death to the police who would later notify her loved ones. Running away from an accident is not only unethical, but is also a crime and there is no justification for it. The consequences of fleeing a crime scene is more severe than turning yourself in. “The pressures of a situation may cause one to apply self-serving biases that while in the short-run appear acceptable, in the long-run result in damage to one’s firm, career or self in terms of staying true to ethical principals and human morals”(Desktop, 2008). I strongly agree with this statement. If she won’t report to the police, and deny what she did, she would be living with her guilt knowing she knew what was the right thing to do, but she made the wrong decision. By knowing she is responsible for someone’s life and didn’t notify anybody, in the long run, it will destroy her emotionally (guilt, depression or even suicide).…
Most people think that moral issues are a matter of “right vs. wrong” because people have their beliefs which make them think they are right. The problem with moral issues is there is no right or wrong because both sides usually have valid arguments but it depends on the side a person is taking. Polarizing values is the way a person sees things. People polarize values based on how they were raised and the different things they were taught to believe in. This could depend on a political party, a relgiion or just a belief that they learned growing up. According page 361 in The Ethical Toolbox, a student got back from a study in Bolivia and he told the teacher that young males were to go to a prostitite for their sexual initiation. This is part of polarizing views becuase that is how their society is raised so that is what they believe in.…
Social Location/p.3: The group memberships that people have because of their location in history and society. The corners in life that people occupy because of their place in society. How jobs, income, education, gender, race-ethnicity, and age affect people’s ideas and behavior.…
The two ethical codes previously discussed are similar in the fact that they both deal with diversity, multiculturalism, cultural competency, understanding and self-awareness on the part of the counselor. The two codes speak to the importance of understanding what the counselor is speaking and being able to tune in to how a diverse client may interpret what the counselor is conveying. This is important, when dealing with diversity and multrucluriaslism what often time gestures, words, and body language convey different meanings to diverse…
The two ethical dilemmas presented in the simulation involved possible sexual harassment in the workplace and the reporting of inaccurate scientific data. Using a five-step method referred to as the Baird Decision Model, one made the most ethical decision based on four different perspectives. The perspectives, referred to as the Rights and Responsibilities, Results, Relationship, and Reputation Lenses, required one to take into account various aspects when determining the best decision to make for each dilemma.…
Ethics, Morality, and Integrity all have some of the same elements that defines a person character. Being trustworthy leads to other elements of integrity. Such as, helping to better the community and respecting authority as a Parole Officer shows honesty. Being fair is another element which shows integrity. How can you be a Parole Officer, but doesn`t treat everyone equally? Third, being able to take responsibility for your own actions and personal growth as a Parole Officer shows integrity, as well. If you basically blame all of your failures and lack of progress on others around you then that shows your character and you cannot exhibit integrity with others and your career if you cannot be honest to yourself. Ethics as a Parole Officer could…
The history and theories of counseling and psychology have both benefited and oppressed culturally diverse populations. It is common knowledge that the founding fathers of counseling were all white males of the socioeconomic status of middle to upper class. Therefore, the majority of theories are rooted in research and evidence that assists this particular group. However, as the world becomes more and more diverse, the one size fits all counseling theories no longer service the needs of the clients. Therapists must be cognoscente of the populations he or she services and the techniques best suited to fit these needs.…
Patricia Cornwell once said “First of all, it does not deter crime, the death penalty.” So why was it made in the first place? Well, many believe that with this system we can eliminate atrocious criminals such as Timothy McVeigh, a young man who bombed Oklahoma City taking the lives of 168 people, who was later executed. This definitely helps in removing that one criminal, but what about the other thousands? If the death penalty were enforced in Canada then it not only do so but also increase our taxes, put innocent lives at risk, and in all reality have no effect on murder rates. Why would you want to let such a problematic sentencing be legalized in such a fine country like ours.…
The purpose of this research is to identify multicultural counseling and ethical issues for school counselors. Multicultural counseling is basd on the diversity of a relationship between a counselor and a client. One of the most important differences for multicultural counseling is how to address the problem through the cultue. Counselors are acknowledging culture into their theory and practice when dealing with school-age students. Although, the progress is increasing there still remains an ethical and multicultural delimma because school counselors may comibine their personal belief and biases assumptions with their counseling responsibilities. However, my research will aim to explore and identify where the problem begins and how to create a different avenue for school counselors.…
The Ethics Awareness Inventory was designed to provide an individual’s insight on general views and how one can approach ethical issues within a series of characteristics that represents four prominent of the ethical philosophy (William Institute, 2006). According to the Ethics Awareness Inventory Scoring Summary based on letter category in which the lowest combined score reflects values most to…
Clinton notes that “trying to be culturally blind or color-blind diminishes the importance of unique differences in the client’s personality and lifestyle.” In fact, it is considered unethical to treat every culture and ethnicity in a uniform fashion in counseling. Research now indicates that different approaches and techniques may need to be utilized for each culture.…
Sue, D. W. (1996). Ethical issues in multicultural counseling. In B. Herlihy & G. Corey (Eds.), ACA ethical standards casebood (5th ed., pp. 193-197). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.…
According to Erford and ACA, 2010, there may be many ethnic groups that require counseling just in one society. In order to accommodate the specific group, the counselor must become aware of the different views that each group…