1. Recognize there is a moral issue
The moral issue is that McDonalds was involved with child exploitation and they did not pay employees enough.
2. Determine the actor (who does the problem belong to?
This problem belongs to the company. The CEO is responsible for making these changes since he is in charge of the company. The CEO, along with the stakeholders, and board of directors are the actors and need to fix the problem.
3. Gather the relevant facts
The people at McDonald’s treat their employees no better than they treat our environment. McDonald’s frequently never pays their staff for the amount of time that they work (which often extends into illegal amounts of labor …show more content…
hours), get little to no benefits along with this gross underpayment, and the restaurant giant forces them to work in unhealthy and unsanitary conditions.
4. Test for right vs. wrong issues
1.The legal test: Is law-breaking involved? Yes it is. It is against the law to withhold wages from employees and to not pay them when they are supposed to get paid.
2.The front page test? When everyone suddenly knew what you were up to?
It only takes one employee to expose a company. Once that one person leaks this information, it does not take long for the media to find out and tell the world. 3. The Mum Test- If I were my Mum, would I do this?
To be honest, you never know what anyone is thinking. Evidently, the company did not ask these questions. And if they did, it is probably depending on how the ex CEO was raised. Maybe he did not have any morals.
5. Test for right vs. right paradigms: Two good values against each other like:
-truth vs. loyalty- The company did not provide their customers or employees with trust or loyalty. If they did, then their ways would not have been unethical.
-short term vs. long term negative consequences- When the company was making their unethical decisions, the writer does not think they took in consideration the short term or long term negative consequences this would have on the company. Even once the company was aware of this behavior, it took them a while to change their ways.
6. Apply the resolution principles: Utilitarianism, kant etc.
•Utilitarianism- DO THE GREASTEST GOOD FOR THE MOST PEOPLE-McDonalds should always put out good.
This would be good for them because they would get dedication and support from their employees and their customers.
•Kantian- ACT AS IF CREATING A UNIVERSAL STANDARD- The universal standard would be to take great care of everyone in the universe.
•Golden Rule- DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU- If McDonalds wants customers to come to their establishment and if they want their employees to be dedicated to them, they should take care of both of these people like they would want to be taken care of. The employees get their products out to the customers in a great manner and the customers bring in their source of income.
7. Investigate the “dilemma” option: Compromise or a creative solution
The solution would be for McDonalds to make the necessary changes it needs to make sure its customers and employees are making the right wages and have the best benefits.
8. Make the decision: McDonalds must take the first step and make the changes needed to run a successful company. A few changes they need to make would be for them to raise the wages for the employees and provide better food and customer service to their customers.
9. Revisit and reflect on the decision: Learn from your
McDonalds has learned from their unethical ways. The company has taken steps to change its ways to better provide great customer service to its customers and show dedication to its employees. The company hired a new CEO that made drastic changes as well within the company.