His past medical history is significant for COPD, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, kidney stones, neuropathy, and tracheomalacia.
His past surgical history includes the shock wave lithotripsy, the tracheostomy, hemorrhoidectomy, and knee arthroscopy.
His current medications include Celebrex, digoxin, ipratropium bromide, Lasix, Nexium, Norvasc, Pravachol, Proventil, ranitidine, _____(p..flin/phyllin), Neurontin, albuterol, insulin, oxygen, Lortab, and propylthiouracil.
He reports _____ allergic to …show more content…
He does have a _____(plug) tracheostomy in place. He has no CVA tenderness. No abdominal masses are reviewed in his _____(KEB). He has got two 9 mm stones within the left kidney, the upper and lower pole. There are no visible stones in the right kidney, although on the CT scan they do appear to have scattered stones. I _____ discussion with treatment options with this patient. He is not an excellent general anesthesia candidate, and he is currently _____(symptomatic) from his stones. I feel like the best course of action will be to undergo 24-hour urine collection for a _____(s/l uroist), and return for followup. We will also him for a cytology, since he has had microscopic hematuria. He will return in 1 month to go over the