“Fourteen-year-old Brazill, charged in last May’s shooting of middle-school teacher Grunow, was found guilty of second-degree murder.” Brazill was only thirteen when he committed his crime. He said he made a “stupid mistake,” but prosecutors argued that by bringing a gun to school he planned the crime. This shows how teenagers are doing stupid things for no apparent reason and are getting into serious trouble. They are making the people around them feel in danger and this causes huge
“Fourteen-year-old Brazill, charged in last May’s shooting of middle-school teacher Grunow, was found guilty of second-degree murder.” Brazill was only thirteen when he committed his crime. He said he made a “stupid mistake,” but prosecutors argued that by bringing a gun to school he planned the crime. This shows how teenagers are doing stupid things for no apparent reason and are getting into serious trouble. They are making the people around them feel in danger and this causes huge