This report is directed at the faculty at Miami Killian Senior High School in Miami, Florida. It is important for educators and school faculty to be aware and understand the diversity of their community. Killian High School is a perfect example of the United States as a melting pot and how it is rapidly evolving.
A1. Local Demographics
Killian High School has a multitude of cultures and races. The faculty and student population at this school ranges from Hispanic, being the larger population, to black, white, and Asian. Each has their own ethnic background, language, communication and learning style. Cultures are mixing and learning to work together and learn from each other. Caucasians and English-speaking students …show more content…
One common stereotype we have in the classrooms is directed toward the student that sits in the back. Educators assume that the student who sits in the front is there to learn with no distractions, yet the student that sits in the back will be a C student that flies under the radar. Sharing this assumption with students or stating the common, “If you sit in the back, you’ll be the C student,” is only going to make the student distance themselves from that class and that teacher. Usually, once a student sees that someone expects them to fail or do less than they had intended, it causes them to adopt the same idea. Communicating things to students that have trouble in class such as, “It will be less distracting to sit in the front,” or calling on students in all areas of the class and switching student’s seats after each term would be a more effective way to make sure your students are successful in the classroom, instead of writing them off at the beginning. Encouraging participation without first causing the student to feel uncomfortable or doubted would be a better route to amplify the student’s interest to learn and …show more content…
It is known amongst the student body that these are the students who are rewarded for their academic achievements. These are the students who are given incentives and rewarded with the pizza parties, field trips, recognition, etc. This can cause a rift between students in lower level classes and their teachers. It also causes a barrier between the lower level student and their eagerness to learn and put forth maximum effort. It may give them the mentality that if they aren’t going to be recognized and rewarded as students in honors or AP classes, then why