
Kim Jong Un Research Paper

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Kim Jong Un Research Paper
In North Korea there are many things that the people have to go through being under the dictatorship of Kim Jong Un. Un is a very powerful man that many people fear, he doesn't treat his people well. In north korea tvs are put in your house and can't be turned off, there is no social media or tv that isn't ran by the government. Even though Kim is a powerful leader he is not a nice man, he uses nukes to threaten, he oppresses his people, and uses his power to execute people for no reason. When he does get the people to agree with him or do what he wants he's makes them scared he's uses fear as a tactic. The leader of North Korea right now is a man named Kim Jong Un. He started leading the country in 2011 becoming the leader after his father Jong Il. Once Un took leadership he executed senior officials. He even killed his uncle because Un thought he was plotting to overthrow him, Also earlier this year his half brother was killed in Malaysia by two unknown women. When he first …show more content…
They have done 6th nuclear tests since 2006 but most of them have not worked or haven't got the results they want. North Korea has been using propaganda and many things to show the people bombing the white house or other us buildings. The country is said to have 13-21 missiles and 4 warheads for weapons right now. These weapons are believed to have half the power ours had when we bombed japan during ww2. The missiles they have are only believed to hit Alaska and Hawaii. Hawaii has now made a plan to protect from another ww2 attack on Pearl Harbor with these threats from North Korea. Also this nuclear problem has been on the rise since president trump took office, and how a strike force took place near the Korean peninsula. Un now wants the us to pull out of the Korean Peninsula and abandon our

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