2.008 study concluded that Peek probably had FG syndrome, a rare genetic syndrome linked to the X chromosome which causes physical anomalies such as hypotonia (low muscle tone) and macrocephaly (abnormally large head),” said blogger Berny Polania. Unfortunately, Peek died December 19th, 2009. In Peeks situation, he was missing what connects both halves of the brain, the Corpus Callosum. A savant is someone with extraordinary skills in different areas, such as music, mathematics, and visual arts. Still no one knows why people get this syndrome, and therefore have no way to prevent it. There is also an “acquired savant” meaning the syndrome doesn’t have to begin at birth, it could start later in life. Also, savants are more likely to be male than female.
2.008 study concluded that Peek probably had FG syndrome, a rare genetic syndrome linked to the X chromosome which causes physical anomalies such as hypotonia (low muscle tone) and macrocephaly (abnormally large head),” said blogger Berny Polania. Unfortunately, Peek died December 19th, 2009. In Peeks situation, he was missing what connects both halves of the brain, the Corpus Callosum. A savant is someone with extraordinary skills in different areas, such as music, mathematics, and visual arts. Still no one knows why people get this syndrome, and therefore have no way to prevent it. There is also an “acquired savant” meaning the syndrome doesn’t have to begin at birth, it could start later in life. Also, savants are more likely to be male than female.