Her fear trembled her and she needed to be invisible. There is no certainty of what will enter the door. She crawled slowly to the room nearby and tried to enter but it was locked and she proceeded to another room. Fortunately it was accesible so she entered the room and locked it. Her hand gropped around hoping she could find something that may be worthy as a weapon at that time of need. Suddenly a thud thud sound apalled her and she stopped, freezed and her mind was bewildered of what will happen soon. She must not move or she would be found. So she sat down near the bed side waiting for the sound to subside. Her heart began to pound harder and harder. As the sound stopped and silence engulfed the night, she continued her search for uncertain object. Without any anticipation her hand was holding a picture frame. She held it nearer to her face and with the light from the cell phone revealed the face of a person. She looked at it and to her surprise the face was very familiar to her. Like an arrow released from its bow, the buried and forgotten memories pierced her heart with an unknown intensity. The mole on the nose told her she was not wrong. It was her friend, Kamarul who tragically died in what most people said a foul play. She dropped herself on the bed and paralysed for a while.The picture frame fell on the bed. “This couldn’t be it” she muttered to herself.
She remembered