and they need to differentiate that there are few extremist who make some religion bad I agree with Selengut’s argument as Kimball virtually assumes that an “authentic” religion is peaceful and progressive, therefore any nonconformity must mean that religion is corrupt.
A further weakness to this book is that it takes a holistical framework that is broad to all the religions around the world.
Kimball has taken a narrow worldview of religion as he chosen to focus on the negative aspects of world religion, rather than having a balance. This is a weakness to Kimball’s work as it is subejctive to his moral understanding. Furthermore a further weakness is the fact that Kimball uses these five signs of evil and applies it in all world religion. This is also a weakness to Kimball’s work as his work is not very culturally relative to different religions, rather he attempts to cluster all religion into these five …show more content…
-he contends that there are five warning moves towards the latter. Whenever a religion emphasizes that it hold the absolute truth-
A further weakness to this book is that all the evil signs that Kimball indicates are shown throughout the scripts of all the main religions.
All religion today entitle the importance of truth, righteousness and claim the right path to heaven. Therefore all religion indicate the importance of the five significant signs that Kimball claims to be evil. Qur’an 10:37 explains that “this Quran could not possibly be authored by other than God. It confirms all previous messages, and provide a fully detailed scripture. It is infallible, for it comes from the Lord of the universe, obey” (Ali, M., 2011). This is an important sign of absolute truth. Furthermore the bible also indicates absolute obedience when Jesus claims that “I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one comes to father, except through me” John 14:6 (bible, 1984). Within the Buddhism the word Satya which means absolute truth, explains that everything that exists for-example all the material gods are empty of essence but worshipping is the ultimate essence and truth to an everlasting life. These three examples all share the absolute truth of obeying God with the claim that their God is the only God who will lead his people to
Apocalyptic belief that end time will occur through a particular religion
Apocalyptic, which is the belief that end time will occur through a particular religion is also explicit as all religion also have an ending that justifies the means. Quran 69:13-15 claims that “when the horn is blown once. The earth and the mountains will be carried off and crushed; utterly crushed. That is the day when the inevitable event will come to pass, all the nonbelievers shall perish”(ali, M., 2011). Furthermore in the bible Luke 21:11 explains, “there will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilence’s. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven, be prepared” (Bible, 1984) These verses shows that the two main worldly religion emphasise the importance of having truth, righteousness and the importance of dedication in the religion that you believe in due to the end time. therefore Kimball’s book has over-generalised the claim of an evil religion.