“Does it mention establishing justice?” - Does the song talks about establishing justice or does it achieves justice directly or indirectly. This category would decide whether the song is useful to the research or not.
I separated another set of categories about representation of the main character in order to demonstrate who is obtaining or pursuing justice and how that justice looks like including in terms of who is having their voices heard.
“# Main Characters” - The number of characters mentioned in the song …show more content…
“Main character(s) sex” - I will determine this based on whether the song refers to the main character as “hombre,” “el,” “ella,” or other pronouns that point to the sex of the character(s).
“Point of view” - Whether the singer sings from the first or third point of view by looking for words such as “yo,” “mi,” “me,” or “soy.”
“Mentions of Females (mother)” - It mentions the mother with words such as “mamá,” “madre,” “jefa.”
“Mentions of Females (daughter)” - It mentions the daughter with words such as “hija.”
“Mentions of Females (mujer trofeo)” - It mentions females as decoration, demonstration of wealth, or sex server.
“Mentions of Females (buchona)” - It mentions females as holders of power in the cartels and describes them as “poderosas” and “jefas.”
“Mentions non-heterosexuals” - It mentions non-heterosexuals individuals. I will also look for mentioning of non-heterosexual people.
I also examined if the song mentions a problem faced by the main character(s). I separated these problems as following:
“Economical” - The character mentions struggling economically.
“Treason” - It is mentioned that someone committed treason and resulted in a problem for the main character.
“Keeping Order Within Cartel” - The character has to figure out how to keep order among the
“Defense” - The character confronts someone and has to defend itself.
“A relative hurt” - It mentions that someone close to the main character was hurt.
Later on, I looked for the solutions considered.
“Beginnings (Already in cartel/Not in cartel)” - Whether it is mentioned that the main character was or was not already part of the cartels in the beginning of the story.
“Solution (Join cartels)” - The character joins cartels
“Solution (Stay in cartels)” - Stays in the cartels in order to solve his/her problem.
“Solution (Policy/non-violent/no corruption)” - It is considered to solve the problem through policies or non-violent nor corrupted ways.
“Solution (violent threat)” - The main character threats the contrary with committing violence against them.
“Solution (torturing),” “Solution (kidnapping),” “solution (destruction),” “solution (murder)” - These categories are classified as “violent solutions” that were committed based on the song’s text, that means that the main character physically hurt others intentionally directly or indirectly.
“Solution (robbing)” “solution (bribery)” - The main characters commit one of these corruptions in order to achieve their goals.
I also identified whether the main character’s actions were approved in order to demonstrate how and based on who does the main character justifies its way of solving the problem. The individuals who the corridos used to justify their problems were: Catholic religious figures such as La Virgen de Guadalupe, San Judas, or God. Non-Catholic Religious figures include Jesús Malverde and La Santa Muerte. I determine this based on whether it is mentioned that the main character is protected by the religious figures. I also counted whether the boss, other drug-business people, or the community approved of the main character’s actions based on whether these are supported.
I finally analyzed the results of the main characters options. I first separated this based on who benefited from these; the main character, their family, the drug-business people, or the community. I also looked whether the government was involved by either benefiting or collaborating in the process. The “Result (Justice for Victim(s)” is to show whether based on the song, the main character’s process effectively established justice. I also included whether the character resulted with “wealth,” that means that the song talks about excessive wealth as the “result (women)” talks about being involved with many women.