When you look at two pieces of art, side by side, there are always things you notice.
Some of these observations may be similarities, some may be differences. So, what observations can we make about the two classic American pieces Kindred Spirits and
Christina's World? Let's find out. Kindred Spirits is a painting made in 1849 by Asher Brown Durand. It was a tribute to the deceased Thomas Cole, a friend of Durand. It shows Cole standing on a stone overlook, sketchbook in hand. He is accompanied by fellow poet and friend William Bryant. The landscape was based on Kaaterskill Clove, located in New York. Christina's World takes a less-positive approach. It is a 20th century piece …show more content…
He painted the piece with his memory of what the place looked like and added some of his own details for effect. On the other hand, Christina’s
World, has a realist landscape, meaning the artist was looking at the location. Another difference between the pieces would be the vegetation in the landscape. Durand believed art should represent nature, therefore, Kindred Spirits has an arbor landscape, filled with trees as well as other plant life. In contrast, Christina’s World features hardly any vegetation at all.
Another contrast is the feeling each piece gives off. When you look at Kindred Spirits, it gives you a calm, very peaceful feeling, because of all the soothing shades of green. This is because
Durand also believed that the landscape should give off the artist’s emotional response to nature.
Christina’s World is the exact opposite. It gives off a very dark, depressing feeling, since its colors are mostly gloomy colors, such as grey. The materials used to make these pieces are also different. Christina’s World was made using tempera on a gessoed panel, which allowed the paint to be “stretched” to a limitless amount. Kindred Spirit’s was made using oil on a